Chapter 62

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Jace, Jacob, and Alex all stood over me while we planned out the party for later that evening. Jaces feeling were nothing but thoughts of protection I think as his shoulders stood high and his chin sat upright. I can't tell what the others are thinking but they looked the same, all standing behind me as if a monster was about to crash through the window and come straight for me. It had me a little uneasy and I could feel my mouth getting dry.

I cleared my throat, "I'm going to grab some water, anyone else need one?" No one looked away from the table where they had all their ideas of places to go and drinks to get pulled up on their phones and being passed around the table for everyone to agree or disagree, but they did all raise their hands.

Jace started to follow me but I felt like I needed some space from him. "Can you come help me Alex?" I say stopping Jace in his tracks. Alex stutters a bit as he looks to Olivia, "yes of course". He follows behind me.

"Any reason you specifically asked me to come? Jace was clearly walking your way" Alex asked as soon as the door shut.

"I don't know, he's giving me weird vibes today, and so are you" I shrug my shoulders back trying to relax them, "what's going on with you three?"

His eyebrows furrow, "I'm not sure, something is just telling me you need me, and there's a reason I need to be beside you"

"You can't tell me why you have that feeling?" I continue.

"Something is new about your scent, you still have your normal scent but something different lingering underneath" his hands grabs at the back of his neck.

I open the kitchen door and go to the pantry first, grabbing some popcorn and throwing it in the microwave. "Do I stink?" I smirk. "No, actually it's the opposite, kind of a sweet smell" he tilts his head wondering if that's the right word for it. "Then why does everyone seem angry towards me?" I lean back on the marble countertop. "I don't think it's anger" he says confidently. "Seems like it" I murmur as the microwave beeps letting me know my popcorn is done. I grab a bowl and throw the popcorn in it. Walking to the fridge I toss Alex enough water bottles for all of us and we stroll back to the office.

"DO I SMELL POPCORN" I heard Julia yell before I even touched the door handle. "That's definitely popcorn" Piper says answering her as I walk through the door. Jace was relaxing on the couch but as soon as I walked in he was right back into bodyguard mode. I roll my eyes so he can see I'm annoyed. Making sure he can feel it radiating off of me as well.

"So any plans yet?" I ask while Alex handed out water. I sat the popcorn down in the middle of the table and plopped a piece in my mouth. "So we are going to Hells gate!!" Vivian was overly excited because they just opened a couple weeks ago and are already named the best club in town. Everyone started shouting drinks they want to get and some I've never heard before. I eventually just stare out the window tuning them out as they all have their fun.

Jaces places his hands on my shoulders, "are you okay?" He asks in our mind-link. "Just lost in thought" I answer him. "What about?" He pries. "I know everyone can smell this scent and I can't, I want to know why you are all acting so weird about it" not sure if that's the answer he wanted to hear, "even the girls are looking at me all big eyed".

He stops for a moment, removing his hands from my shoulders. I didn't give him time to answer, in that moment all I needed was his silence to realize he's also unsure about how to feel.

I get up and walk out, going to our room I shut the door. I know he's following me so I go into my closet and shut the door, locking it before I turn my back to it and slide down it. Pulling my knees to my chest and putting my hands in my hair I began to cry. Unsure why, I just felt so many emotions.

I heard a knock on the door. "Go away" I said.

"Are you crying?" Jaces voice sounded concerned.

I tried to pull myself together. Trying to confidently say "no" but I failed. "First of all, you're a horrible liar, second I can feel your emotions" he reminds me. "I'm not even sure what I'm feeling right now" I yell. "You're confused, angry, upset" he says, "unlock the door babygirl"

I don't move my body but my hand goes up and unlocks the door. Jace pulling me into his arms the minute it swung open and then I felt it.

Uncertainty, was coming from him.

I push him off. "If you're uncertain about me then I'll just go, just because I have some weird scent now that you're unsure about you are unsure of your feelings towards me?"

"That not it" Jace interrupts me.

"Then what is it?" I yell, overwhelmed with the whole situation.

"I don't know" Jace shrugs "you just feel different"

I wait a minute for an explanation to realize he's not going to give one. "So you feel different about us?" I finally ask.

"You're my mate, I know that, but you aren't the same right now" he can't explain to me what's different.

I let out a loud sigh and cover my face as tears begin to fall again. Jace takes me into his arms holding me tightly. "I love you Sky" he whispers in my ear "no matter what".

I finally pull myself together and get ready. Everyone was down stairs and ready to go when we walked down.

Tonight was going to be epic.

We partied way too hard and danced way too much, for someone who can not dance. I don't even remember getting home.

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