Chapter 33

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I stood still for a minute. Gathering my strength, I heard my mothers voice in my head "you are the alphas daughter, show them what that means", I lifted my head slightly with a half grin across my face, I let my fangs descend and I stepped closer to Alpha Theo. I could see everyone's shock and I could feel Jaces.

  I let out a very angry growl " You DO NOT have to command me to tell the truth"

  He pulled back his aura and a huge laugh boomed around the room "IMPRESSIVE" he started to clap his hands "you're daughter is very strong Alpha Jax, I haven't met a wolf alive that could break my command"

  My dad just nodded his head. "Can you tell us sky"

  Both of them grabbed my hand again. "Archie's touch feels like fire. It almost hurts" I pulled my hand away. Turning towards Jace "Jaces touch is more like electricity and warm" I leaned into his embrace.

  We all sat back down and I could see the anger on Archie's face. All three alphas discussed what to do next. Jacob could hear and would look at me from time to time.

  When they finally broke I heard my mom again "dont submit"


  "They are about to ask the boys to try to make you submit, whoever does gets you"

  "Why can't I just submit to Jace then"

  "That will give him rights to your emotions and have more control over you.I never submitted to your dad"

  That kind of left me shocked.

  "I understand mom"

  "Archie, make her submit" Alpha Theos voice sounded humorous.

  Hatred came off Jace.

  "You really want him to try to make me submit when YOU couldn't even command me" I sarcastically laughed.

  "Manners skyanna" my dad spoke up "he's still an alpha, and things are a little different with a mate bond"

  I rolled my eyes and turned towards Archie.

  He stretched his aura over me. Compared to mine it was pitiful. To my wolf on the other hand, she felt it was pleasurable, she was almost, I don't know, horny? Confused by the mix of feelings, I lifted my chin and narrowed my eyes at Archie.

  "Do not betray me violet" I spoke to my wolf, angrily over how she felt.

  "Submit." Archie's face was stern eyes locked on mine. I stepped forward to him.

  No one told me to do so, but no one told me not to either.

  I stretched out my aura and I immediately saw his struggle. My aura was dark and heavy.

  I heard Alex whispered to Jacob, "she's not going to do it is she", "I think she is" Jacob answered.

  A smile appeared on my face as I saw the strength I had over him, "submit Alpha Archie" I said almost seductively.

  He immediately hit his knees, his head straight up, "yes Luna." He was calm. I thought I would see anger or embarrassment but he was.. calm.

  I pulled my aura back. And his hands hit the floor and he looked down.

  "Now Jace" I heard Alpha Dave say.

  Jace grabbed my arm, twisting me around he cupped my face, my eyes met his and my heart began to pound. He put his forehead to mine and I felt his aura surrounding me "submit babygirl" he whispered. My knees buckled. I wasn't going to let him win though. I slowly straightened my knees and kissed his lips gently as I shot my aura out to him "submit" I was stern.

  My aura caught him off guard as he stumbled back for a moment before pulling himself together. A smile pulled at his lips. "My Luna will be strong" he walked closer to me. And I pulled my aura back. Cocking my head at the three alpha. I walked to my dad's desk and leaned on it.

  "What are the rules" I asked.

  "Although this is very rare, there are rules surrounding the situation" my dad began.

  My eyes locked onto Jaces, and I pushed calming energy over us.

  "You will have to spend two days and two nights with your other mate" Alpha Dave spoke up "after which you can decide who is the best fit and will be allowed to reject the other".

  "Even though they are Alphas!?" Duttons voice seemed worried.

  "Even though they are alphas she will be permitted to reject one" my dad was calm and stern.

  "When does it start" I gripped the edge of the table.

  "Now" Alpha Theo spoke up.

  My grip tightened on my table before it broke under my hand.

  Walking over to Archie "you may regret this" I whispered into his ear and walked out of my dad's office.

  My dad sighed "you're all dismissed".

  Everyone exited the room except my dad, alpha Theo, and Alpha Dave.

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