Riker and Vikki: Dope (Surprise Pregnancy)

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Riker Surprise Pregnancy for Vikki please

I'll do it! :)

The alarm went off, making me shoot out of bed. "You're so jumpy lately." Riker chuckled, sipping his coffee from the doorway. "I guess," I mumbled, feeling sick to my stomach. I leaped up and to the bathroom, muttering, "Excuse me," As I ran past Riker.

I sat on the floor of the bathroom, knowing after this woucouldn't keep it from him too much longer. There was a light knock at the door, "Hey," he said, "Everything okay? Were you guys drinking last night?" He laughed at me. "No," I said, "I was with your sister talking about her wedding plans." I sat up, looking at him. "Oh," he looked confused, "Just sick I guess?" He came over to me and put his hand on my head. 'I know why,' I thought to myself. "I guess so," I whispered, thanking him as he helped me stand up.

I try my hardest to keep private. Having a boyfriend in the spotlight, when we do get time alone, it's nice to be together, have things that are kept between us, and even some secrets only I knew. But I knew eventually that this one would get out. To the fans, the family, and even Riker. I pulled my favorite skirt up to my waist and tried to zip, "Are you kidding me?" I shouted, flopping over to the bed.

"What's the matter?" He asked me. "My skirt won't zip." I looked in the mirror. "I'm sorry babe." He came over and helped me up, watching as I put on a pair of pants. "I like that shirt." He looked me up and down, "You just like that my chest shows," I smiled, rolling my eyes. I knew the boobs had come in.

Riker kissed my cheek and stood with me at our front door, "Are you sure you feel well enough to go to work?" He asked me. "Yes," I nodded, "I do." "Can I make you a cup of coffee to go babe?" He asked, "You used to drink it every morning and now you never do." "I'm alright," I smiled, "Thank you anyways."

I walked outside and he watched me get to my car, "Hey Vikki," he yelled to me, "I'll be home around 6 from rehearsals." He winked at me. "Okay," I said, "Love you." "Love you too." He called, going back inside. I steadied my breathing and started my car, I guess tonight was the night.

8 months into my relationship with Riker and I was hit by the biggest truck you could think of. "Pregnant?" I asked the doctor, three weeks prior to today. "Yes," She nodded, "Congratulations!" "That isn't possible," I huffed, "You're sure, I don't have like, like, an illness or something, maybe something with my woman stuff, this is just," I paused. "No," The doctor said, "Your blood work came back normal, you're just pregnant!" She laughed, like it was a joke, but it wasn't to me. "Thank you," I mumbled to her, leaving quietly.

Since that day I only uttered those words to one other person. Rydel. Riker's sister, newly engaged to Ellington, was sitting with me at (now decaf) coffee, she being the only person I had told that I was even going to the doctor. "Pregnant?" She asked me. "Yeah," I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "Ridiculous, right?" "Yeah," She added, "So what are you going to tell Riker?"

and then it hit me. That I was pregnant.

Not sick. This wasn't gonna go away.

certainly not naturally.

and when it does end, it results in a baby.


"I don't know." I said to her. "I guess I have to tell him." "So you're keeping it?" She asked me. "Oh 100%, no question, i'm keeping it." I nodded. "I never thought I'd have to make this decision, but here I am." I sighed, "Wow,"

At the time I took everything so nonchalantly, but I watched a lot of FRIENDS on tv, and when Rachel found out she was pregnant it hit me hard and I cried throughout the entire episode, re watched the eighth season on Netflix, and cried my eyes out, unbeknownst to Riker why.

Now three weeks later, I knew I couldn't keep it from Riker for much longer, and I'd rather him know than find out through me being stupid. My day at work was slow and I came home to my house, where Riker spent most of his nights now, we might as well have moved in together. He and I had been best friends for years before we started dating, so it made sense about how close we were now.

I cooked his favorite dinner and set it on the table, ready from when he came home, and I heard his familiar footsteps come through the door. "Hey baby," He called, "How are you feeling?" He kissed my cheek. "Not bad," I said, wrapping my arms around him, "I missed you..." I sighed shakily. "Me too," He said, feeling me shake, "What's the matter?" He asked me, sitting down at the table with me. We started eating and I looked up at him quietly, feeling like I should just say it. "Riker," I started, capturing his attention. His eyes followed mine and he waited for me to keep speaking, "I am," I looked at him intensely, "I am going to have a baby..." I sighed, hearing the words come out of my mouth, "We," I emphasized, "Are going to have a baby..." I looked down.

"No we aren't," He started laughing, "That's funny Vikki, because we aren't actually going to have a baby," He chuckled and kept searching my eyes. He wiped his mouth with his napkin and looked into my eyes, taking my hands, "No," He shook his head, "You aren't pregnant..." He sighed, "Are you pregnant?" He asked me, almost choking. I nodded, "You think i'd play this as a joke?" I asked him.

"Well," Riker's face went red, "This isn't possible." "That's what I thought," I said to him. "Well, go take another test!" He practically shouted at me. "You saw me this morning Riker, I was throwing up, my skirt doesn't fit, my boobs are huge, I'm pretty sure I'm still pregnant." I stood up from the table, walking to our room, "Although," I replied sassily, "In case you're still unsure, I'll check again," I slammed the bathroom door shut.

He sat on the couch with his head in his hands when I came back into the living room, our plates still sitting barely touched on the table. "Well?" He snapped. "Look for yourself," I threw it at him, watching him catch it and toss it back to the floor quickly. "Ew," He said, "You peed on that." "Yes, I did." I said to him, crossing my arms. He picked it up carefully, looking at the two lines, clearly stating I was pregnant, very prominent pink lines. "There it is." I told him, "Are you happy now?" I asked him, "Congratulations. Still think it's a joke?" I questioned, walking out of the room.

I slammed the door to our room and called Rydel, who knew immediately what I was calling about. "How'd he do?" She asked as I heard the front door slam. "Not well, I guess," I said, "He just left." I sighed, rolling over. "I can't believe this..." I shook my head. Minutes passed as Rydel and I talked on the phone, and I heard a door open and close, "Rydel we gotta talk," Riker said. "Can it wait?" She asked, "I knew I shouldn't have given you a key to our place... I gotta go Vik, talk to you later."

My mouth hung open, 'he went to Rydel's to talk about it? He couldn't talk to me?' I closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep, only hearing light footsteps come through the door after what seemed like hours. "Can we talk?" He asked me, walking over to the bed. I nodded and watched him take off his shoes, climbing down next to me and wrapping his arm around me. "Vikki..." He sighed, "I'm sorry." He shook his head. "I love you very much, you know that." "I know," I said.

"I got caught off guard..." He said, "I wasn't expecting that to come out of your mouth, I mean who does," He scoffed. "I know this isn't gonna be easy, but I'm not leaving." He said, placing a hand securely on my stomach and kissing my cheek. "I love you." He whispered in my ear. I teared up quickly and turned to press my chest against his as we laid on our bed. "I love you too." I kissed him passionately, "I love you so much..."

"We're gonna be parents..." Riker huffed and smiled a small smile. "Yeah..." I mumbled, trailing my fingers down his jawline and his chest. "I guess so..." I sighed, snuggling close to him. He kissed the side of my face and whispered, "It's gonna be dope." And we both burst into laughter, knowing this definitely wouldn't be a conventional parenting team.

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