Rocky and Anyone: Ross is Always Right (Secret Relationship)

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could you possibly do a Rocky imagine where no one knows about your relationship and somehow it comes out? full of the feels aha xx



"Hello?" I answered groggily. "Babe?" His silky voice answered. "Rocky?" I croaked. I cleared my throat, "What is it, I'm sleeping." I rubbed my eyes. "Babe, it's really important." "So important that you woke me up at 3 am?" I asked. "Yes," He said, "Our show tonight was so good tonight." "That are the important thing?" I groaned, "Babe, I've spent three weeks without you so far and you call me at 3 am to tell me you had a good show?"

I took a deep breath. 'Why am I complaining if I'm getting to hear his voice?' I told myself. "Well, I was just happy..." He told me. "I'm sorry." I said, "I love you and I know you're just trying to tell me you were excited." "It's okay, I know you're tired, and I love you too." He sighed into the phone. I heard his sister in the background, "Who'd you say I love you to?" She asked. "Just-um, Papa," He said flustered.

I rolled my eyes, "Go outside please," I told him, sitting up in my bed. "Okay," He said, "Excuse me Rydel," He said, opening a door. "I'm outside. That was close." He sighed. "You still haven't told them?" I asked him. "No," He muttered, "But-but it's just because you're Rydel's like, BEST friend," He stuttered. "Okay, but babe," I emphasized, "You're the one who wanted to start being official, and I think you should tell them. You've been on tour for a few weeks, but you never keep secrets from the band." I told him. "I know baby girl, you're still coming to visit tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I am, do you want to tell them together?" I asked him, awaiting a response tiredly. "Yeah," He said. "My flight is at 8am today actually," I said to him, "So can I go back to sleep and I'll see you tonight?" I yawned. "Yeah, sure baby, I love you lots." "I love you more." I smiled and hung up.

I sat back, remembering a simpler time, before Rocky and I started keeping a secret we shouldn't have made possible. Rydel and I had always been close since we met at the dance studio we both taught at. We practically spent all of our time at each other's houses and apartments, my spending a lot of time at their band house because their family was my family. Rocky had started out as a fling, a drunken, one night stand from a house party gone wild at their house, and while I didn't even like Rocky, in fact I could barely stand him before then, the more time I awkwardly had to spend with him after that encouraged me to get to know him better, and I fell head over heels for him. Quickly.

Rocky started calling me every other night to talk, and for some reason I would pick up and talk to him until one or both of us fell asleep. The evenings I spent at their house when everyone was there, or when Rydel was there, or sometimes when just Rocky was there, were way more than I had anticipated, and by the time they left for tour, they had me house sitting for them for 6 months in their house, and then we had discussed me moving in permanently because Rydel and Ellington shared a bedroom now.

I didn't want to start dating him, especially right before they started tour, but the night before they left I kissed him for the first time since our drunken mistake and suddenly it wasn't all a mistake, but it was what I was waiting for. I muttered to him that I loved him and he said it back to me and ever since then we've texted every day, but only talked 3 times. The first time I called him to tell him he should tell Rydel that we're seeing each other, to which he replied, "I will," and changed the subject. The second time he called to say that Ratliff had found one of the 'pictures' I had sent him and he wanted to know who it was, he said a friend.

The third time was just then, to tell me he had a good show, he hadn't told the family yet, and he was excited to see me. Just as I was to see him.

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