Ryland and Vicky: Hell Yeah You Are

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ryland imagine where they hate each other first

I like this idea!!

I sat on the edge of my desk and talked to my friend and twirling my hair around my finger. "Everyone have a seat!" My Government teacher yelled as the bell rang. "You know I'm assigning your partnered project that counts for half of your grade, so be on your most polite behavior." She nagged. I rolled my eyes and slid into my seat with a groan.

There was laughter in the hallway and a group of boys burst in, howling like hyenas at whatever trouble they had caused in the hallway. "Ryland, boys, you're tardy." Our teacher scolded, shaking her head.

Ryland came in and threw himself into his desk, "Ah, sorry miss, there was a lot going on this morning," He flashed his killer smile at her.

"Don't let it happen again." She told him, turning back to our board.

I eyed him and he turned his head to look at me, smirking as I turned my face away. I had the most annoying crush on Ryland Lynch. I hated him- he was a flirt, an underachiever, a troublemaker, and above all he had kept me under his spell for four years. All four years of high school I had had at least one class with him, and while I had successfully avoided speaking to him, he always seemed to make eye contact right as I was looking his direction, and he always had the same smirk on his face.

Half an hour of my teacher talking about our next major project and it was time for her to pass out our partner assignments. I straightened my skirt and waited for my name to be called and surely I would be put with someone good seeing as I always tried my hardest.

"Abby you'll be paired with... Gwen," I rolled my eyes. Of course my two closest friends would be together. "Ryland you'll be paired with Vicky."


Ryland's friends hollered and my eyes widened, "There's gotta be a mistake." I said out loud.

His friends started to make "oo" noises and told him, "Buuuurnn man," And I eyed my teacher suspiciously.

"No mistake," She told me with a grin. I knew that woman hated me.

She read off the rest of the names and I crossed my arms over my chest. Ryland watched me until the bell rang and came over as I gathered my things for my next class.

"Hey," He stuck out his hand to me, "I'm Ryland, it's Micky right?" He said with his signature smirk as if to screw with me.

"It's Vicky," I looked down at his hand, "And I don't know where that hand has been." I snapped.

"Damn what's your issue?" He asked me.

"Look, Ryland, I don't need a bad grade on this project, so why don't I do the work and you can try to write your name on it on turn in day?" I sassed him.

"I've said a whole six words to you Micky," He emphasized, "And you're already acting entitled?" He told me, "Does Daddy's little girl need a new bentley to get over having to work with me?" He pouted.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh shut up, don't act that way. Go back to the sewers where you skateboard and smoke pot." I told him, grabbing my back pack.

"Maybe you should try it sometime," He told me, "Really loosen up some of those damn tight muscles you've got there, but then again there are other ways of doing that." He rubbed his lip with his thumb.

I scoffed, "Just leave me alone asshole and I'll text you when the project is done." I told him.

"Ah," He smiled, "That would require you to have my phone number." He told me as we turned down another hallway, 'Was he following me to my next class?' We turned another corner and he started to hand me his number on a slip of paper before snatching it away the second my hand got close, "Why don't you actually come over tonight and we'll work on the project together?" He offered, "My Mom's making spaghetti and meat balls." He told me.

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