Rocky and Anyone: College AU First day

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Y/N Point of View

“I’m here dropping her off at unisversity right now, can I call you back?” My mom said while we unpacked in my dorm room. “Okay, bye,” She hung up, “Your aunt says hi,” She smiled at me, hanging up clothes in my closet. “Well, I guess that’s it,” She sighed, pulling me into a huge hug, “I wish your father wasn’t on a businass trip, he could’ve been here to see you off,” She teard up, “Geez, mom, don’t cry please,” She shook her head, “Okay, I’ll see you in a few months, right? And you’ll call!” I nodded, “Yes, Mommy, I will I promise.” I said to her, reassuringly. She hugged me one more time before exiting my room and walking out of the hallway. She was really gone. I was really on my own at school. Whoa.

I started plugging things in and making my space more homey on my side, my roomate hadn’t arrived yet, but I was sure we were going to get along from the information I’d known about her before I moved in. “Knock Knock,” Said a tall boy in a university t shirt. “Hey,” I said, “Are you here to make sure I get settled alright?” He laughed, “Yeah, how’d you know?” “Just I guess,” I giggled, continuing to straighten my bed sheets. “I’m Rocky, by the way,” He smiled, sticking out his hand to mine. “I’m Y/N,” I sook his hand. “It is a pleasure to meet your aquaintance, Y/N,” He smiled at me, straight, white teeth, nice brown hair, and you could see the muscles beccause he cut the sleeves off of his shirt.

“May I help?” He asked, picking up my comforter, “Thanks,” I blushed, ‘He’s being so nice,’ I thought.  I smiled at him and he returned the same smile, “You know, there’s a freshmen party tonight if you want to join us, it’ll be in the lounge down there, I’ll be there,” I nodded, “Yeah, sound’s great,  but which lounge? And what do I wear?” He laughed at my lack of knowledge, “I’ll show you where, Y/N,” I loved the way he said my name all of a sudden. He was so cute, “So what grade are you?” I asked politely, “Oh,” he sighed, “I’m about to go into my third year, I’m 20.” “Oh,” I sighed, “That’s really cool,” He smiled at me.

“As for what you wear tonight,” He paused, looking at me, “You look gorgeous in what you’re wearing,” I looked down at my white shorts and my black and white striped shirt. My wedge heels made me taller, but I was still a good size smaller than him. “Thank you,” I blushed, looking down. “I like what ou did to your t shirt,” I smiled. “Thanks,” He said, stepping closer to me, “Your bed is uh, nice,” He laughed nervously, “Thanks,” I smiled again. “I should go check on the other dorms, but I’ll pick you up here at 7 to take you to the party?” I nodded, “Yeah, okay, bye,” I waved at him as he left.

My roommate showed up, a sophomore who knew what she was doing She was a sweet heart and like the same tv shows as me, so I had a lot to talk to her about. I asked her if she knew Rocky, and she said she did, only through one of her classes and that he was really sweet. I took that as a good thing if my roommate said he was sweet. I didn’t want to get involved with some jerk on my first day,

My door had a knock promptly at 7pm and I opened it to reveal Rocky in jeans and a baseball tee, navy blue sleeves and a white body. “Ready?” He smiled to me. I said goodbye to my roommate and we walked down the hallway. He asked me where I was from and what made me choose this university and he told me how he was a music major who played guitar and was in a band. “That’s really cool!” I smiled, “I’d love to hear you play sometime,” He looked curiously, “Really? No one ever says that,” He laughed sheepishly. His awkwardness was so adorable, and when he pointed at a building his muscle flexed a little bit and it was so hot.

At the party there were a lot of people I had met at orientation. Rocky walked around a bit and talked to other people, sometimes girls, but he always came back to see how I was doing. It was close to midnight and I had class the next day, so Rocky offered to walk me back to my room safely. He told me about his big family and I told him about mine. “You really have 4 siblings?” I asked him, he nodded, “Three brothers and a sister, one of my younger brothers goes here also, he’ll be a sophomore, and my sister is in her fourth year,” “Wow,” I sighed, “Talk about family tradition,” He nodded, “Yeah, it’s fun having them here, but I like meeting new people,” He looked at me, “Like you,” I blushed in the dark. The only light were the street lights and the moon. We got to my dorm room and he said his was a little further down the street but he’d make it okay.

“Thanks for taking me tonight,” I said, “I had a great time,” He nodded, “I’m glad, I ope we do it again some time,” I smiled, “I hope so too.” He looked at me for a second before leaning down and kissing my cheek, “Good night, Y/N,” He said turning back down the hallway, he stopped halfway down and spun back around, “I’ll call you tomorrow?” He asked slyly. “Okay,” I nodded and waved to him sweetly, “Good night Rocky,” “Good night, Y/N,” and he exited the building, leaving me to stand in the hallway and smile at the thought of him. This was gonna be a great year.

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