R5 Preference: A Fight

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Can we request? If so, I'd like to request a preference where you have a fight. Thank you so much! I love your writings:)

Yes!! Lots of love and sorry it took so long!

Riker: You had come home from the dress shop to show Riker what you were wearing to a premiere that weekend. He thought the dress showed way too much skin and that you needed to cover up more because he didn't want guys staring at you. "You're my girlfriend!" He shouted, "I don't want you showing off too much because I know you're gorgeous, inside and out- and I don't feel like its necessary to show that much off." "Well, it's my body and I'm gonna do what I want." You crossed your arms. He walked into your room and closed the door, which kept you in the living room, letting him cool down. After a few minutes, he came out holding the dress. "It's really pretty." He mumbled, "And I'm sorry I tried to Dad you." He said. "It's okay," You reply, going over to him. "You're mine and I'm yours, no matter how hot you look in that dress." He smirked, kissing you and pulling you in for a hug. You smiled into his chest and said, "For sure..."

Rocky: Rocky had been gone on tour for two months and you hadn't seen him. In fact you'd barely talked to him, so when you called and a girl answered, you freaked out, yelling at her and hanging up the phone, because let's face it, two months away from you rock star boyfriend and you start to go a little crazy. He called you back 20 minutes later and was apologizing like crazy, saying he didn't know she had his phone and that things were crazy and then you yelled at him. "Please let me explain!" He said into the phone as you cried, "Please, Rocky, things are not going well with you being gone. I need to talk to you. In person, we need to figure this out because I know you're busy, but I'm supposed to be important to you." I cried. "You are beyond important to me, Y/N, I'm sorry baby..." He stuttered, "Y/N, that girl was someone that Ross invited to hang out with us on the bus for him, and she thought it was his phone. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left my phone alone for a second." He sounded upset. "No," You sniffled, "I'm done with the semester in three days." You shook your head, "I'm coming to see you the day after that. I miss you too much." "I will be counting the hours." He said to me, "I love you Y/N, don't ever forget that." "I love you too."

Ross: You and Ross had just had your first born baby, a little boy, and you were both exhausted. So when Ross said he was going out to the studio for some time away, you took it completely wrong. "So you don't enjoy being here with us?" You asked him, completely ashamed. "No, babe, that's not what I meant, it's just that I haven't gotten to work in the studio at all these 3 weeks that he's been here and I need to work." He ran his fingers through his hair. "But we aren't that important?" You choked out, not sure why you were crying, but postpartum hormones kicked your ass these days. "No, baby, you guys are extremely important, but the band needs me-" You cut him off, "The BAND needs you?" You scoffed, "Ross, I need you! I just had your baby three weeks ago and I'm the one who's up all night, feeding him, and changing diapers and getting baby puke on my clothes and you fall back asleep!" You cried, "I know I'm not super hot right now, and I know I won't let you touch me half the time because I'm really emotional, and I'm sorry we can't have sex for 6 more weeks, but I still need you to be here, please," You sunk down onto the couch. "Baby," He sat down next to you, "I'm sorry..." He put his arm around you, "Y/N, I have to be honest, I have no clue what I'm doing. You seemed so prepared to be a mom and to do this that I thought you had it figured out and I don't know shit..." He laughed, taking my hand. "You're always super hot, and I don't care if we can't have sex, or if you won't let me touch you, because you gave me the best thing you could, which was an amazing baby for both of us. and I need to get my act together, because you're tired, and I love you." He kissed your cheek and hugged you tightly, just as the baby monitor beeped and crying started. He hopped up and helped you up, "I'll go get him, you go get ready to feed him, then you can sleep until it's time for him to eat again, i'm giving you some much needed time off." He kissed you, "I love you."

Ratliff: "Ellington, I think we need to see other people," You uttered the words you never wanted to say. His eyes widened, "Y/N, why?" He asked. "Because you're busy." You shook your head, "You need to focus on your career and this band and those fans and not this, because this isn't us anymore. I know you will have a lot more fun on the road without me holding you down." "Y/N, please, let me try." He said, still stunned, "I love you so much, and I would do anything for you, you know that," He stuttered, "I, I, I want to make this work," He said, "Please come on the road with us." He took your hands, "Thing's will be better, we'll have so much time together!" He said. "No," You shook your head, "I love you, but you and I both know we are living different lives." "No we're not," He snapped, "This is our life together, please," "Come on Ellington, I don't want to fight about it, and I don't want to make it harder than it already is." Your eyes welled up in tears. "I can show you!" He shook his head, tears coming to surface on his eyes, "Please, don't," He whispered. Your hands intertwined with his and you looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry." You mouthed, not even able to say words, "Maybe in the future.." You said, "But right now, I can't," And you turned to walk away. His hand caught yours and he kissed you, gripping you around your waist, making it even harder to walk away from. "I love you," He said, "And I'll wait for you." He said, stepping away. "Thank you." You whispered, and you walked away feeling okay.

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