R5 Preference: You're in Labor

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Riker: You woke up to shooting pains in your abdomen. “Ouch,” You whined quietly, trying not to wake you’re sleeping husband. ‘you gotta be kidding me, Maybe it’ll go away,  you thought. You were wrong. “Ow, ow, ow,” You whispered, getting up to get a cup of water. It was 3:15 in the morning, and you held your swollen belly as you sipped your water and tried to breathe calmly. “Come on,” You told yourself, “You can make it.” “Babe?” You heard from behind you. “Hi Rikes,” You smiled sheepishly, flipping on one of the lights. “What’s wrong?” He asked, “I got worried when you weren’t in bed.” “I don’t feel very well,” You said, going over to him. “Sick?” He asked, “Or, not well?” He asked, looking down at your stomach. “Not well,” you giggled, “I think I’m in labor,” “Oh my god!” He smiled, kissing you sweetly. “We gotta call the doctor!” He jumped up, “I’m so excited.” He said, holding your hand and leading you to the couch. “I’ll get the bag and call the doctor, you just sit there or do whatever you need to.” He smiled, kissing your forehead, “We’re gonna be parents!” He beamed, running into your bedroom.

Rocky: “Ow, baby, it really hurts,” You cried, holding tightly onto his hand. “I know sweetie, I’m so sorry you’re in pain,” He said, “Rydel, how much further?” He asked, “I don’t feel like having my first baby on the side of the road.” “I’m trying,” She shouted from the front seat, “The traffic is killer, Rocky, we’re trying.” Stormie said from the passenger. You were all at an interview for R5, travelling in two cars together and you went into labor during the interview, so Rocky, Stormie, and Rydel were driving you to the hospital, because they were your birth crew. “Please hurry,” You whined squeezing Rocky’s hand, “Soon, baby girl,” He ran his fingers through your hair, “We’re gonna have our own baby girl,” He kissed you. You sat on the side seat and Rocky was in the middle, holding your hand tightly, and rubbing your belly with his other hand. “Remember that trip we took in mexico?” He sung, “Hanging with your friends and all your senoritas,” He continued to sing and hum, occasionally giving you kisses on the cheek. “We’re here!” Rydel clapped her hands, opening your door for you as Stormie rolled up a wheel chair. You smiled and squeezed Rocky’s hand, “It’s worth it right?” You asked, almost laughing. He chuckled in return, “Definitely, baby, definitely.” 

Ross: “When’s dinner gonna be ready?” Ross called from the living room, where he and the guys were watching football. “Soon,” You called back, taking the french fries out of the oven. You took one and got a bite in when you felt something on your legs and on the floor. “Uh oh,” You said, looking at the liquid on the floor, immediately feeling a tightening in your midsection, “Ow, shit,” You muttered, rubbing your belly, “Now?” You asked it. You waddled to the doorway and poked your head around, “Ross?” You asked. “Yeah babe?” He turned around, “Can I grab you for a sec?” “Everything okay?” He asked. “Yeah, just come in the kitchen.” “Okay,” He muttered curiously, excusing himself. “What’s up?” He asked, looking at you, holding your belly. “I think my water just broke,” You laughed pointing downward. “What does that mean?” He asked, moving closer to you, “I think I’m in labor,” You giggled, smiling like a dork at him. “Oh my god!” He exclaimed, “Ross come on!” Rocky yelled. “Screw the game!” Ross screamed back, “I’m gonna be a dad!” He smiled excitedly, taking your hand and kissing you sweetly. “What do we do?” He asked, “We have a bag, can I call the doctor?” “Sure sweetie,” You said, “But will you clean this up, and I’ll call the doctor? I can’t bend over.” You giggled sheepishly. “You got it,” He knelt down, kissing your belly, “I can’t wait to meet you,” 

Ellington: “You have your bag, your clothes, baby’s clothes?” He asked, running around the house in a panic. He slid his jacket around your shoulders and held your hand. “Yes, I promise I do,” You giggled, “Calm down, I’m gonna be okay,” You say, just as the pain hits your again, “Okay,” You say, “Hang on,” You slid down, sitting in a chair close to you. “Ow, ow, ow,” You whine, grasping his hand tightly, “It’s okay,” He repeated, rubbing your back, “Just breathe in and out okay?” “I am,” You say, closing your eyes, “Mmmmm,” You hum, leaning your head on his shoulder, “Can I stand?” You ask, trying to pull yourself up. Ellington’s arms go under yours and help you stand up, leaning your head on his chest as he rubbed your back. When it subsided, you looked up, “Okay,” you nod, “I’m alright for another five minutes,” you both giggle. “Good,” He smiled, keeping his grip on your bag in on hand and your hand in his other one. “Let’s go have a baby,” He kisses you on the cheek and leads you to the door.

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