Ross and Liza: Face In The Sand

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Hey babes! I was wondering if I could get a Ross imagine! (If you're open right now) It'd be really awesome if you could do like a meeting one where I (Liza) like let go of my dog on accident or something along those lines?

Of course lovely! Anything for you!

Liza'a point of view.

I jogged every morning down the street. It was a nice way to start my day while getting some fresh air, as well as get my dog Auburn out of the house for a good thirty minutes or so. I put on my running shoes and called to him, hearing his foot steps come into the living room as I grabbed his leash. I smiled at him and put his leash on his collar, pulling him out the door with me.

The only problem was that as Auburn got bigger, I had to run faster to keep up with him, as well as hold on tighter, because if he got excited about something and wanted to chase it, he was surely going to run at full force. I had fallen a couple of times, but hadn't gotten majorly hurt or anything like that, it just took me a while of wandering on the trail trying to find him, but he always came home.

I decided that I would jog down the beach for a change, so when we got out of my neighborhood, Auburn was really excited to go some place new. I only lived three blocks down from the beach, so it wasn't much longer of a run. Auburn took of sprinting at the first sight of a bird and I had to run after him. I could only sprint for so long before I tried to stop him, digging my heels into the sand to slow him down, but it was no use, he ran full force until the leash slipped out of my hand and I fell face first onto the wet mud. "Ugh," I groaned, looking up at my dog running happily down the beach.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" A male voice asked me, reaching out his hand. "I think so," I told him, nodding my head, "Thank you." I said to him, adjusting my sunglasses back on my face so I could kind of see him. He had on a wet suit tied around his waist, so he was shirtless, and his abs sparkled with ocean water. "Very much," I continues, trying not to get distracted. "I'd just wait for him to come back." The man said, "Our dog does it all the time, he always comes back when the birds go away."

I smiled, "Yeah, mine always comes back, just likes to half kill me before he does." I laughed, taking a look at his face. He was adorable, and blond, and looked hot standing in the sun. "I'm Ross," He smiled, extending his hand to me, "I'm Liza," I said, "Thanks for helping me up." I blushed. "It's no problem to help a pretty girl on a beach." He said. Auburn came running back over to us and licked my leg for approval.

"I guess you're back now aren't you?" I asked him, leaning down, "No more taking you on runs on the beach." I petted him and looked back up at Ross who still stood there, "We, um," He rubbed the back of his neck, "My siblings and I were jut gonna play a round of volley ball, if you want to join us, we need one more to make it even." He offered, pointing to the umbrellas and the people sitting on mats, "We might surf later today too." He suggested. I nodded, "I'd love to." I said, nodding my head at him, "That'd be fun."

"Sweet," Ross smiled for the first time, and it was bright and sweet, making his dimples come out. And I spent the rest of the day with those dimples.

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