R5 Preference: How The Boys Cuddle

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this technically wasn't a request, but I liked the idea so here you go.

Riker: I feel like Riker would be a really lazy cuddler. Like it's raining on a saturday so he just grabs you while you two sit on the couch and his arm goes around you and your head sits perfectly on his chest. He loved it when you held hands casually, whether you were watching tv or answering e mails, he wanted you to be all connected.

Rocky: He's definitely a 'pretzel' kind of cuddler. Like not just arm around you, he wants to be full on across you, especially when you two sleep. He grabs you and your arm goes around his waist as his legs intertwine with yours so his feet could warm yours up. You were almost always cold, so Rocky always grabbed a blanket to throw over you and keep you two warm and snuggly as you snoozed.

Ross: I think Ross is a "had a bad day" kind of cuddler. Like you're sitting on the bed reading a magazine and he comes home, wanting to die because of something terrible that happened. So he'll pull you over to him with no words, give you a kiss on the cheek, and rest his head on your chest. He loved it when you played with his hair and held him, just listening to the sound of the others breathing.

Ellington: I feel like Ellington is a very private cuddler. He liked to be touched, but not too much, so you would keep your feet really close or you'd sit with your legs on top of him while he rubbed them. Sometimes your head would be on his lap, or his would be on yours and you'd play with each other's hair. He always hummed while your head was on his lap, thoroughly relaxing you to the point of wanting a nap.

Ryland: Ryland definitely liked to touch you while you cuddled, and not just in like the cuddling kind of touching, but like extra touching. He always wanted you on his lap with his arms around your waist, giving kisses to you shoulder as you leaned back on him. He kept his hand intertwined with yours and would nuzzle his head into the crook of your neck, making you burst out into giggles.

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