Ross and Anyone: Yet, you did this. (A Fight)

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"Save it Ross!" I yelled at him as I stomped down the hallway of my apartment. I slammed the door to my room, surely waking up my neighbors. “Y/N, please, come on,” He said from outside. He sighed, knocking on the door. “Will you let me explain?” He said to me. “No,” I stated. I didn’t want to talk to him or look at him or anything. “Y/N,” He said, jiggling the doorknob, but I had locked it. “I don’t want to talk to you right now maybe you should go home Ross,” I said firmly. “You really won’t even here my side of this? It was a publicity kiss! It didn’t mean anything,”

“Then why wouldn’t you tell me before it happened!” I yelled. “Please can we talk face to face,” he spoke calmly. I got up slowly, unlocking the door and going back to sit on my bed. “Y/N just unlock the fucking door,” he grumbled. “It’s open,” I said with attitude. He opened it slowly, looking straight at me and walking over slowly. His eyes were deep brown, he was thinking. He sat down on my bed next to me. “First of all,” I started, not letting him speak. “Publicity kisses are ridiculous. Secondly, why didn’t you at least ask me my opinion, and thirdly, it’s actually cordial to TELL your girlfriend of nine months you plan on kissing someone else and it’s not going to be in a movie. It’ll be on a red carpet event for said movie.” Ross sighed  “It WAS for the movie!” “But you did it in public Ross!”

“Would you have rather I kiss her in private and let the cameras catch us instead of out in the open?” “Don’t play this game with me Ross, I know she’s gorgeous but you don’t need to kiss other women and not tell me. You really shouldn’t kiss other women, hmm, at all!” I stood up, furious and I stormed into the kitchen to make some tea and calm my nerves. Sure enough Ross followed me. “It was one woman; it was for publicity for a movie. To sell it,” “Well now the world thinks you’re the ass hole that broke my heart because they knew we were a couple and you’re out rubbing elbows, or should I say touching tongues, with celebrities instead of home with me.” He groaned, “Ugh, Y/N, it wasn’t even tongue, it was a simple peck on the lips, like this,” He started to come over to me to prove his point. “No,” I said, “I don’t want that mouth near me.”

He laughed, “You sound like I have a disease,” coming closer to me. “No, because if you kiss me, I’m gonna forget how mad I am and that would ruin you realizing you fucked up,” I stood firmly I front of him and he crossed his arms. “It wasn’t to hurt you,” “Then why couldn’t you tell me,” I said. “Because you wouldn’t have understood, Y/N,” He sighed again. “I would have understood better than my friends and your SISTER calling me to tell me that you were in trouble with them. I hadn’t even known it had happened Ross. You screwed up and I want an apology or else we’re through.”

His mouth hung open, “You’re going to throw away nine months because of a stupid kiss?” “I guess,” I whispered, looking down and trying blinking away tears. “Because Ross,” I sighed deeply, looking back up at him, “Right now it’s a kiss, but what if it turns in to multiple kisses, and then dates, then before you know you sleep together.” He looked hurt, “I would never do that to you, and I would never hurt you Y/N.” “Yet you did this.” I grabbed my tea bag and my hot water and went to my room. The phone rang and I didn’t bother to get it. I sat in my room quietly and read.

Ross returned minutes later with red eyes. “My management called me,” he took a pause, waiting for me to respond I’m sure, but I didn’t, “They want me to kiss her at another event tomorrow night,” He said, looking down at my bedspread. I nodded, “Then I guess we’re done,” I whispered. “What?” He said. “I told them no, Y/N,” I looked up, “What?” He shook his head, “Baby, I’m sorry,” he whispered, moving closer to me. “I should have told you what they wanted me to do; I shouldn’t have done it at all. It was a terrible kiss. Yours are perfect,” He smiled, taking my hands. “I couldn’t imagine ever kissing anyone else but you,” He looked into my eyes. “I never want you to think I’d ever do this again. I never want to hurt you. I love you too much to see you in pain Y/N, I’m so stupid and I will never do something this childish and horrible again.”

I smiled at him, removing my hands from his and closing my book. “You aren’t stupid, you did something stupid. But I still love you,” I said, moving myself closer to him. “I love you more than you will ever know,” he said. “Ross,” I whispered, moving my head closer to his so we were inches apart, “Yeah?” He said to me. “You are mine,” I smiled at him deviously and he smirked, “Yours entirely,” he replied, crashing his lips onto mine and I pushed him over so we were rolling around on my bed kissing and I entangled one of my hands in his hair as we intertwined our two hands together. “So you forgive me?” He asked, looking at me with puppy dog eyes and breathing hard. I laughed at his question, “Yes, I forgive you,” I smiled, kissing him again.

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