Rydellington: And Now We Wait

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yo can you write a fic where rydels pregnant and she starts showing for the first time and tells ellington and it's all cute n shit nice

Again this one is gonna be a blurb, but Ah RYDELLINGTON BABY.

Rydel's POV

My alarm went off at 7 am as always, and as always I sat in bed and waited for the morning sickness to kick in like it always did when I first woke up. At this point I was 14 weeks pregnant and the doctor had told me the morning sickness would subside, but it hadn't until the last few days, and even still it would come in waves.

I sat in bed scrolling through twitter and replying to messages, trying to avoid the ones that had to do with me being pregnant. I hadn't told the fans yet, or should I say we haven't told the fans yet, and we had finished up tour jut before I had found out I was pregnant with Ellington's baby, so they wouldn't see me in skin tight dresses and skinny jeans like they had been. I read a few tweets asking about it, "How did they even know?" I muttered. I looked through the pictures they had all been taking with me before I finally decided it would be worth it to get out of bed.

I put on a pair of leggings and a tank top to go outside before looking into the mirror at myself. "Whoa." I mumbled, putting my hand over my mouth. I turned to the side and finally my "one too many tacos" belly as Ryland called it, had turned into an almost unmistakable bump of a slightly pregnant woman as if over night. "Oh my god..." I whispered, looking over at Ellington.

'Should I wake him?' I thought. I pondered for a moment, looking in the mirror to make sure I wasn't just crazy and that it was actually there before I walked over to his side of the bed. "Babe," I put my hand on his head and pushed his hair back. "Hmmm?" He mumbled sleepily. "Babe, wake up." I whispered. "What?" He asked groggily, "What is it Del, is everything okay?" He muttered, rubbing his eyes.

I nodded eagerly, "You need to sit up, I have to show you something..." I told him. "If it's one of those birth video things, I don't wanna watch one at-" He paused, checking the time, "7:23 in the morning..." He groaned. "It's not," I rolled my eyes, "Jut sit up!" I said excitedly. "Rydel, you're such a morning person..." He chuckled. "Not always, just especially this morning." I beamed. He sat up and smiled at me, "What's up?"

"Okay," I smiled at him and turned to the side. "Look!" I pointed. "Hey!" He said, "No more taco tummy!" He laughed. I looked at him, "Ellington..." "I'm kidding baby, but you've got like, a baby in there now!" He pointed at it. "Like, you're taking the form of an actual pregnant human being now." He shook his head, looking me over, "That's crazy..." He sighed.

"I know right..." I said, sitting next to him on our bed. "I can't believe we're going to be parents..." I said to him, shaking my head. "But you know what this means?" I asked him. "What?" He questioned. "We have to tell the R5 Family..." I nudged him. I had wanted to tell them the second I hit 12 weeks, which was our safe point, but Ellington insisted on waiting until I was absolutely showing. Today was our day. "What if..." Ell trailed off, "You just answer a question on tumblr. Like one of your questions about how far along you are or something, and then we'll just take a picture together and post it really quickly this morning, like you standing sideways or something and then it'll just be out there." He said.

"Okay..." I nodded, "We can do that..." I said, "This is harder than telling our families..." I shook my head. I opened my laptop and got on tumblr, looking through the asks I had been getting. Ellington laughed, "Harder than telling the record label!" He shook his head and I nodded, remembering what a nightmare that day was. I found the perfect ask to respond to, from an anonymous user. "Hey Rydel, How far along are you in your pregnancy?" She/He asked. I looked at Ellington, who kissed me on the cheek and watched me type, "14 week, 5 days, :)" With a smile at the end.

I pressed send and took a deep breath. It was out there. "They'll be supportive..." Ellington put his arm around me, "They always are..." Suddenly my phone exploded, I was getting messages and tweets and all kinds of craziness. I opened my phone nervously, looking through all of the messages, "RYDEL DID U JUST CONFIRM BC WOAH" and "Congrats guys!!" and "r u kidding" and lots of all caps and "ASKFLHASDGLJS" happening on twitter. "They're taking it pretty well." I nudged Ellington.

I smiled and got off of our bed. I walked into the Hallways with the love of my life and went to our chalk board. I wrote "Baby Ratliff Due 10-17″ in pretty letters on the board and stood sideways. "Go ahead!" I smiled at him, handing over my phone. He snapped the picture of my from my chest down, leaving out my face for effect I was guessing. I sent him the picture and he edited his to make it black and white and purple, and I edited mine to make it black, white, and pink, for our colors with the band.

"No caption?" I asked him nervously. "None needed." He smiled. "Okay.." I shook my hands, "Let's do this." We counted off, "One, two three," And pressed Instagram's POST button.

Ellington engulfed me in a huge hug and put his hand on my protruding midsection. He kissed my forehead and smiled, "And now we wait..."

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