R5 Preference: When You Feel Like Giving Up

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Riker: “Rike, you’re my best friend,” You say to him, “I’m ready to give up, this is too hard, my classes are too much stress and I can’t do it, I can’t,” You cried into his arm. “Hey now!” He said, “You just need a little push, I’m happy to help you. I’m sure you can do it,” “No I can’t,” you shook your head, “It’s hopeless, I’m stupid.” “Do not say that!” He said, pulling you in for a hug. “I believe in you, Y/N, you can do this and then you’ll be the best music producer ever and thousands of people will want to hire you!” “Are you sure?” You ask carefully. “Absolutely.” He states, “I will  always believe in you.”

Rydel: My college roommate Rydel and I were both studying to be music producers but she was succeeding more than I was, I was thinking of quitting my classes and doing something easier but she stopped me. “You have to do this!” She said, looking at me intently, “you are too smart and full of passion to stop now!” I rolled my eyes, “No, Rydel it’s fine, you’re good at this stuff, I’m not,” “Lies!” She said, “I wouldn’t have passed that theory class if it wasn’t for you, please give it one more chance. For me?” She pleaded. I sighed, “Okay,” And she jumped up and down clapping about how excited she was.

Rocky: “Baby, it’s gonna be okay,” He said, rubbing your back as you told him about your terrible day. “this internship is awful. No one takes me seriously, they act like I’m some kid.” “But you’ll show them!” He encouraged. “No I won’t” You shook your head, “I’m gonna quit.” You say quietly. “No you are not!” He said, looking at you, “Y/N, you are a strong, confident, sexy, girl!” He said, making you laugh. “You deserve this position. Okay?” He said, leaning in. “Okay,” You smiled, giving him a kiss he very much deserves.

Ross: “How was your interview?” Ross asked sweetly when you walked through the door. You had been roommates with him for a year. “Horrible,” You said, slamming your bedroom door. “What do you mean?” He asked, coming in after you and sitting next to you on your bed. “The man asked me stuff I had no clue how to do. I’m not cut out for this job Ross, maybe I should have been a teacher like my mom said.” You sigh. “No!” He said, “You need to follow your dreams. If this is what you wan to do, then you need to go for it! Even if you fail the first time, I’ll be here to pick you up,” He smiled, blushing. “Thanks Ross,” You said, kissing his cheek

Ellington: Your boyfriend Ellington came home from his job and sat down, “How was your first day Ms Producer?” He said, kissing your cheek. “Awful!” You said, “I’m not good at this at all.” He took your hand, I’m sure it’s not that bad. “I forgot momentarily what a disc was, I was so nervous.” He laughed under his breath looking up at you. “Everyone has to start somewhere,” He said, “Tomorrow will be better, I promise.” “You promise?” You ask strictly. “I promise,” He says, pulling you in for a hug and a kiss.

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