Rocky and Anyone: Sure You're Sure

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Authors Note: woahhh it's been a while. Also this isn't a request. GUYS I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS IM SORRY.

as always let me know how yous likes itttttttttttttt


I sprinted to my front door as I heard the knocking. My furious smile couldn't be wiped away tonight. I opened the door happily and saw the tall, lean boy in front of me with his hands stuffed in his pockets. His hair was grown out more and his facial hair was shaggy. His black leather jacket and black skinny jeans clung to his body and made him look like an all around rock star.

"Rocky!!" I scream, jumping into his arms in the hallway. His smile broke free and he laughed as he caught me.

"Hey Y/N, how's it going?" He asked casually, tightly hugging me. He set me down and I invited him inside, closing the door behind us.

"I'm doing fantastic, but hi!" I smiled at him, "You just got back from like, every country in Europe?"

"Pretty much." He chuckled, sliding his jacket off of his arms, "Are we chillin' here or are we going somewhere?"

"Well, it's our first time seeing each other like like over like two months, so I figured we'd just hang here and I can order pizza and we can watch a movie or something?" I suggested.

"Sounds alright to me, at least here we can talk during the movie." He joked. "I'm gonna use the bathroom and I'll be back, if you order pizza, get my credit card out of my wallet," He handed it to me, "And I'll have whatever you'll have." He winked and me and walked down the hallway.

I steadied myself against the kitchen counter top and opened my laptop to order pizza. "Pizza..." I muttered to myself, my eyes trailing to the hallway he had walked down. I shook off my feelings again and opened the webpage.

He came down the hallway and looked at me with a smile. "Hey."

'Hi gorgeous,' I thought to myself.

"Hey," I stuttered back to him. Just in the two months I hadn't seen Rocky, the feelings I feared I had developed for him were getting worse. He was gorgeous. He was my best friend. He had so many girlfriends. All of them blonde, petite, and model-esque in their beauty. I was his friend. And I was happy being his friend.

I finished ordering the pizzas and brought two beers over to him.

"Thanks." He grinned, "So how's the relationship front for you?" He asked me.

I got hot in my cheeks and shook my head, "It's alright I guess. I went out with that guy a few weeks back, but it wasn't anything."

"Did you sleep with him?" He asked me.

"We went on one date!" I laughed loudly.

"You slept with what's his name on the first date, um, um, Daren!" He pointed to me.

"Guilty." I raised my hands, "But I don't normally put out on the first date."

"You normally put out before the first date." He teased.

"Not true," I laughed and hit his chest, "I am very classy. Not once have I hit on some rando."

"There was that guy a few months ago." He said.

"But he was super hot- and I needed some. That's the difference. This guy I just went out with was the kinda guy you gotta learn to love." I assured him.

"I get it." He agreed. "Sometimes you aren't ready to learn how to like a person." He looked fondly, "Sometimes you just gotta like them."

The silence became long as we both stared into our laps. I was unsure of what to say to that. Was he trying to tell me he liked me? Surely not.

"Well, how was your European girl experience?" I said, "Those girls will do anything!" I joked with him, an awkward lilt in my voice.

"It was alright." He shook his head. His grin widened and he rolled his eyes, "We don't have to talk about her."

"Ohhhh, so there was one?" I questioned him, "What's her name?"

"I don't actually know..." He scrunched his nose.

"Are you serious?" I laughed out loud. "Bravo, Rocky, getting someone you don't know at all."

"Hey now, it was in a club in like Denmark, or Sweden, or somewhere... I don't know that either." He laughed pathetically, "All I know is what was on Ryland's snapchat." He said honestly.

"Oh my god, I remember seeing that!" I laughed, "Well, well, well, good job." I set my beer on the table, "But you were in Europe, Rocky, I'm surprised you didn't go after at least one girl to sleep with while you were there."

"It's not that I didn't want to," He shook his head, "I just didn't feel like a one night stand." He looked my over, "I know that's weird. And I'm me, but I just wasn't feelin' it this go around. I was the only single one having any real fun and Ryland is still a little too young to really party. At 18 he came with us, but he's got a bark larger than his bite."

"I get that. He just posted a lot of you half naked, or three quarters naked, or even in the shower." I teased him.

"That's cause Ryland and I had to share a room! Everyone else had a person to sleep with." He complained, "And that's fine. I was fine being single in Europe, because it was freeing, but sometimes it's weird being the only single on in the band."

"I'm sorry." I put my hand on his shoulder, "But I'm glad you had fun." I kept it there a moment too long and he looked at my arm and then at my face.

His eyes trailed very quickly from my chest to my lips and back up. "So um, with those naked snapchats." He joked, "Like what you see?" He teased.

"You're not bad lookin' Rocky Lynch. I gotta say." I told him honestly.

"You're not bad yourself Y/N." He quieted his tone and licked his lips slightly.

'I could just lean in.' I told myself.

"I um..." I trailed off. I forgot my words.

"You um...?" He laughed, filling the tension in the room with a sweet smile.

"Rocky... Um..." I paused and shook my head, looking back at him, "Would it be wildly inappropriate if I asked you to kiss me?"

His eyes widened and he huffed with a small smile, "No it would not." He shook his head, his body moving to fill the space in between us.

I closed my eyes and his lips came onto mine suddenly. His hand landed on my hip and I pulled at his bottom lip with my teeth, a wildness inside of me I had never let out with him. His other hand reached for my other side and I made my way slowly over to his lap, putting my knees on either side of his legs.

He sighed into our kiss contently and pulled me closer to him, a moan escaping my lips.

The door bell rang.

My eyes widened and I got off of him, "Pizza," I laughed. He got up and walked to the door to collect our food and give him a tip.

He brought in the large box and set it on the counter, licking his lips as he looked at me through the doorway.

"Should we let dinner wait or?" He asked.

"I'm okay with that." I nodded my head, walking over to him to kiss him again. His hands found their place around my waist and he bit my lip.

He pulled away and shook his head, "Okay, but is this what we're doing?"

I laughed, "I guess so." I shrugged, "It's been a long time for me." I joked uncomfortably.

"Actually, same here." He smiled sheepishly. "Do you want to do this, I mean, I want this but?"

"I mean yeah I want this, are you sure?" I asked him.

"I'm sure, are you sure you're sure?" He asked breathlessly.

I grabbed his shirt collar and mumbled, "Mhm, I'm sure," And pulled his lips against mine.

Pizza could wait.

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