Rocky and Anyone: Direction

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A/N: cheers to my first imagine of 2016. holllaaaaaaaaaa

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"And I guess what I'm trying to say is... We love you guys." Ellington said as he raised his champagne glass in the air. It was Rydel and Ellington's engagement party tonight and Ellington was making a speech to all of us telling us how much they loved everyone.

We all stood around on a large, rented yacht. My arm was hooked to my boyfriend Rocky's arm. I was sipping a glass of pink champagne and complaining to Ross' girlfriend about having to go to work tomorrow. It was just about to be sundown when Rydel and Ellington got our attention to speak in front of everyone.

"And we want to say thank you to every one of you for being in our lives... Because it's been really crazy," Ellington looked at Rydel with a gleam in his eyes and I rested my head sweetly on Rocky's shoulder. "Rydel I've never been happier to have someone tell me to kiss them for the first time in front of their brothers."

She giggled and looked down at the ground, "And I've never been more thankful than for you to have said no." And she leaned up to kiss him as his arm went around her waist.

About the same time Rocky's arm that I had been linked to backed away and went around my waist. He rested it comfortably on my hip and looked down at me. His brother Ryland came over and started asking about a bachelor party, even though we were already sure the engagement would be at least another 8 months from now.

"I'm just say bro..." Ryland sipped his drink, "We could definitely pull off a last minute Vegas trip. Like- Y/N," He called me, "Back me up here. We could take an entire trip okay- Guys and girls can travel together but stay in separate hotel rooms? We only have to be apart for a night?" He already sounded so excited.

"I guess we'll see, man," Rocky tightened his grip on my hip and sipped his drink. "Why don't we wait a few weeks and talk to Ellington about it?" Then he closed his lips and waited for Ryland to begin to speak again.

Rocky's relative quietness was odd tonight. Normally he was more of a firecracker when it came to alcohol and expensive yachts. I looked down at our amazingly planned outfit coordination. My light grey dress complimented his grey dress shirt underneath a navy blue suit I had bought for him. After two years of being with him I decided no matter what happened with us in the end that he needed a nice suit to have for special occasions. And navy blue was certainly his color.

He had retired his suit jacket on the warm evening and his sleeves were rolled up to reveal his forearms and the newest tattoo to add to his collection on his left. He twisted his ring on his finger absentmindedly as Ryland ignored his request to wait a few weeks and continued to plan out the Bachelor/Bachelorette party in Vegas we were supposedly throwing.

"Don't you think Y/N?" Ryland asked me a question I had no idea the reference of. "Or are you too busy staring at your boyfriend?" He teased me. I got caught doing that sometimes.

"Sorry..." I apologized with a smirk, "He's just too cute not to look at." I put my hand up to his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb. Rocky made a small, tired smile on his face and turned towards me momentarily.

"Yeah, yeah, he looks good- I know." Ryland waved me back to pay attention to him in his tipsy excitement. "Wouldn't you think it'd be a good idea to rent a limo to drive us to Vegas?"

"I guess it'd be a fun idea... That's a lot of people though in one limo." I told him.

Rocky sighed quietly and removed his arm from my waist, "Excuse me." He rubbed my bare shoulder momentarily and walked up the steps and onto the high deck of the ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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