Riker and Bethany: Snowed In

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Hey! I was wondering if I could get an imagine with Riker. He takes me to Colorado for a vacation and it's snowing. He's all nervous and proposes to me. My name's Bethany. Thanks!

Yes, this is adorable!!

"Come on," He dragged me into the cabin, covering my eyes with one hand. "Riker," I giggled, "I think I'm perfectly capable of walking myself into the house." "Yeah," He said, "I'm sure you are, but I've never brought you to the family cabin before and I want you to see it as a surprise. When the band took off we started saving for this place, and now it's finally ours." I heard a door open and I stepped on hard ground, which I assumed was the wood floor. "Okay," He sighed, "Open."

I looked into the grand room, "Wow," I exclaimed, looking around into a beautiful, big living room, a kitchen on in the distance, a stair case, fire place, and balcony overlooking the first floor from the second, a line of doors upstairs.  "It's fantastic." I said to him, going over to a window, "The view is beautiful." I said, looking into the mountains. "We'll ski tomorrow if that's okay. I wanted to wait for the rest of my family to get here tonight before going out." 

"That's cool." I said, "I've never done it before, so I need the moral support." I smiled at him, sitting down in the comfy living space. Riker went and got the rest of our bags for the ten day trip. My phone rang from inside my bag and I jumped up to get it, noticing Rydel's caller ID. "Hey Del, Aren't you supposed to be on a plane right now?" I asked her, suddenly concerned. "Yeah," She sighed, "Ellington, Rocky, and I were supposed to fly out 20 minutes ago but there's a huge snow storm right over you guys and we can't fly out until tomorrow." She said something to Ellington and then to me, "Bethany, will you tell Riker? Ell just talked to my mom and their flight with Ross and Ry and my Dad was grounded in Las Vegas." She sounded upset. "Oh no," I said, turning to Riker, who was covered in snow as he closed the front door with our bags in hand. 

"Looks like we're all in different places for the night..." She said into the phone, "I gotta go, my Mom's calling. I'll text you when we book a flight." She sighed again, "Bye." "Bye," I mumbled. Riker looked worried, "What's wrong?" He asked, "Are they okay?" "Yeah, yeah, baby they're fine." I set my phone down, grabbing his hand, "Your parents' flight got grounded in Vegas and your sister and Ellington didn't even get to leave LA, the weather's getting really bad ans no one's allowed to fly into Colorado anymore." "Oh damn," He said, "Well, when will they be here?" 

I shook my head, "Sometime later tomorrow." "Well, that sucks," He muttered, looking out the window, seeing the snow already falling quickly. "We'll be stuck in here all afternoon and night Bethany," He said, pointing to the window. "It's gonna be okay," I hugged him, "I promise." He squeezed me sweetly and put his hands on my hips, "I guess there are things we can do while we're stuck in here all afternoon..." He smirked and kissed me, raising my face up to meet his. 

I found a music station on the TV and we put on music, dancing around the kitchen and making brownies. We watched Bridesmaids on the TV, took a short nap, and woke up to seeing almost 7 inches of snow had fallen in the last few hours, with only more to come, noted the weather man. "I think I'm gonna go put pajama pants on." I leaned over to him and kissed his cheek. I hopped up and Riker stood up next to me, "I'm gonna set up the blanket so we can have our dinner in the living room, and I'll even get the wine." He smiled at me. "Sounds fantastic." I winked at him.

I went into the kitchen quickly to check the chicken, telling Riker it was ready to be taken out of the oven. "Okay babe, I'll get it!" He shouted to me, "I love you." He said to me. "I love you too." I smiled at him, getting as hot in the cheeks as I did the day he first said those three words to me. I went into the bedroom and put my flannel pajama pants on. I put on fluffy socks to keep my feet warm and I put my hair into a bun so it would be out of my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, realizing how lucky I was to be in this house with this amazing guy that I loved so much.

"Ready?" I asked him. "As ready as I'll ever be..." He said, lighting another candle and setting in on the table. "Oh, baby," I put my hands over my mouth, "It's beautiful..." I looked over the living room. He had set up candles and a fluffy blanket on the ground, pillows included, so we could lay and cuddle while we watched movies. It was dark outside besides the lights down below the house of the ski town. "It is beautiful here, I feel so special." I grabbed him and kissed him, putting y hands on either side of his face, "I love you so much." I whispered to him. "I love you too." He mumbled into my neck. He led me to sit down on the blanket and he sat next to me, handing a glass of my favorite wine. 

Our plates hadn't been made yet and I sat entangled with Riker, sipping wine and giggling about some prank Rocky had played on Ryland the week before. "You know," Riker said, "I didn't know what we were gonna do because my family got stuck, but it has been so fun just being the two of us." He rolled onto his knees and reached in his pocket for something.

"Bethany," He sighed shakily, "My sister told me her friend was cute and I should go out with her sometime, but I had no idea it would turn into this." He shook his head, "I didn't think that that casual date would turn into fancy dates, and then sleeping over at your place, and moving in together, and now wanting to spend the rest of our lives together." He took out a ring box and opened it with me still sitting in front of him. "Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" He looked directly into my eyes and I welled up with tears. "Oh my god Riker," I said, wiping my eyes, "Yes," I nodded, "A hundred times yes." I gave him my hand and he put the ring on my finger.

I jumped on him and he fell backwards onto the blanket smiling. I landed on top of him and kissed him intensely, "I love you so much," I said, "I would love to marry you." I sighed. His arms hugged me tightly and he whispered, "That's amazing, and I love you too." What seemed like hours later we ate dinner and cuddled again on the blanket, staring at the snow still falling outside, wondering how long we'd be stuck inside. "It kinda sucks that we're gonna be snowed in tomorrow, but who else would I want to be snowed in with than you?" He said to me, kissing the side of my head. "No one else in the world I'd rather be with than my fiance." I squealed, saying it to him. He smiled and kissed me again, "Same to you fiancee."

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