Riker Imagine for Brittney: You Read My Mind (Pregnancy Announcement)

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Could I have an imagine with Riker please? My name is Brittney!!!

Brittney’s Point of View

‘After a long day at work all I wanted to do was crawl in bed and watch a movie with my husband.’ I thought. ‘That’s all I can ask for,’ I pulled into our driveway and walked up to the door, grabbing my keys. I was met before I could open the door by an adorable blonde in sweatpants and glasses. “Hi baby! I love you!” He said to me, taking me in his arms. “Hi Rikey, I love you too,” I yelled, my energy immediately jumping as I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pulled his face out of the crook of my neck and kissed me passionately. “Hi,” He said breathlessly.

“I’m so happy to see you,” I said to him, hopping down and he grabbed my hand. “Me too baby girl,” He smiled, kissing my cheek. “I cleaned!” He said, “I see!” I smiled, looking around, “I have to admit it looks pretty great babe,” I said to him, “Thank you,” I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought myself onto my tip toes to reach his lips. He crashed his lips onto mine and smiled to me, deepening the kiss and lifting me up to set me on the couch. He backed away at the sound of the oven. “It’s ready!” He said, kissing me quickly and jumping up. “What’s ready?” I asked him, “Dinner!” He said happily, pulling the dish out of the oven.

“Baby girl,” He called, “Yes Riker?” I said from the couch, closing my eyes, I was so tired lately, “Go get your PJ’s on and I’ll have dinner ready in a minute!” I looked up, “You made dinner for us? You cleaned the house? What are you trying to get Riker?” He made a face like he was offended, “Do I have to want something to do things for my beautiful wife? Don’t you know what today is?” He suggested. I walked into our bedroom, trying to think of what day it was. ‘Our Anniversary wasn’t for another 2 months, his birthday was in 6 months, and mine was last month, no one’s visiting soon, and we have nothing exciting happening really, well except for-‘ Riker interrupted my thought, “Babe?” He said, “Yeah,” I nodded, getting up, “I’m changing; I’m changing!”

I changed into my shorts and a t shirt that belonged to Riker and walked out into the living area. “Well, you look smoking,” He said, putting his hands on my hips and pulling me close to him and leaning his face inches away from me, before taking my hand and pulling me to the dinner table. “You tease!” I yelled as he pulled me. “Sorry, I gotta keep you on your toes,” He laughed, satisfied with his own doing. “Dinner looks delicious,” I said to him, digging in. We ate and talked and I tried to remember what day it was, I gasped when I remembered, “What?” He said, looking scared. “You and I got engaged, 4 years ago today.” I whispered, “And I forgot,” He took my hand, “It’s okay Brittney, you have a lot going on at work and stuff,”

I shook my head, “But, you made everything so special and I didn’t do anything,” I got up and rinsed off my plate, “But I didn’t do anything for you,” I said, feeling guilty. He came up behind me and spun me around, pulling me into him, “You’ve done more than enough by just being mine,” He whispered in my ear, kissing down my neck and back up to my cheek, intertwining my fingers with his. “Riker,” I said, “Mhm?” He spoke, but kept kissing me. “I’m pregnant,” He backed away, “What?” I smiled to him and his face turned red. We had always talked about having kids because we had been married for 2 almost 3 years, but we just hadn’t started trying really. “You’re what?” He choked, smiling, “Really?” He grinned widely, “Really?” I nodded; putting my hands on his scruffy cheeks and pulling into kiss him.

“Oh my god,” He said, picking me up and spinning me around, “I’ve never been this happy in my life, other than meeting you and marrying you, but this is perfect!” He yelled, bringing me back down and grabbing my hands, “When did you find out?” He said, pulling me over to the couch to sit down. “Last night!” I squealed, “You were with the band and I was feeling weird so I took like 5 tests and all of them were positive!” He shook his head, smiling like an idiot, “And when were you planning on telling me this?” He grinned. “I was planning on telling you tomorrow, but when I realized it’s the anniversary of our engagement, then what a better time than now?!” I smiled, clapping my hands. He rolled his eyes at my enthusiasm, “Well,” He got up, quickly returning with a box, “Your gift definitely outshines mine, but I still hope you like it.” He smiled. I eyed him for a minute and then cautiously opened the box, revealing a necklace that had picture of Riker and me in it in black and white, with diamonds across the outer frame.

“Riker, it’s beautiful,” I whispered, breathlessly. I hugged him tightly, pulling away and setting my lips on his, moving closer to him and giggling. He put the necklace around my neck and smiled at me, “You are so beautiful.” He said to me. “Thank you,” I blushed. “We’re gonna be parents!” Riker said excitedly, “I’m so excited, Brittney, you have no clue baby girl!” He picked me up, taking us into our bedroom. He carefully set me on the bed, kissing me and then my nonexistent belly, then running to the living room, returning minutes later with popcorn and his big blanket, “Movie time baby?” He said to me, making me smile, “You read my mind,” I said, snuggling up next to him.

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