Ross and Tahlia: Pretty Wonderful

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I felt like I had known him my entire life, the second that I met him.

"Known him a week and you're already smitten?" My friend teased. I rolled my eyes at her and the others, "Nope. He's just..." I turned around to look at the boy who worked with me at the guitar store. "Interesting." I shrugged, turning back. "Does he play?" She asked. "Well, I'm sure, if he works here." I told her, "I haven't seen him play..." I huffed, "I've only barely introduced myself and spoken to him before some other girl comes and whisks him away." I rested my head on my fist on the counter and watched him look over a Red Gibson Guitar.

"This isn't social hour Tahlia..." My boss corrected, snapping at me. "We should go I guess..." My friends giggled, waving good bye to me. I rolled my eyes and waved good bye, straightening my posture as they left. "How are you Ross?" My boss offered a sweet smile, one I'd never been given in all of the months I've worked there. My boss tuned back to me and gave me a look, "Go see if they need help!" My boss snapped. I nodded, "Yes ma'am." I huffed, walking over to a couple of teenage girls. "Do you guys need any help?" I asked them with a smile.

"Umm, no, actually, we were waiting to see him..." One of them laughed, pointing to Ross. "Oh," I rolled my eyes, "I gotcha." I told them, walking away. I made my way back to the register as the two girls went to go flirt with Ross, twirling their hair and giggling at his every word. He looked my direction and smiled, before returning his gaze to the girls. My face turned hot and I blushed, turning around away from him. He was so enticing it hurt.

"I don't see you helping anyone," My boss crossed her arms. "No one wants my help," I shrugged, "They want Ross'" I explained, pointing to the girls around him. "Well, he's not bad looking," She smiled. "I need you two to close up tonight. I have a thing." She told me, giving me the keys, "Don't screw this up or it'll be the last time you lock up." She threatened. I smiled and took the keys, nodding, "I will not let you down." I told her. She walked over to Ross to tell him the same thing and he nodded my direction, smiling a bit when he looked over at me.

He soon came over and sighed, sitting on the stool next to me. No one else in the store than us. "How long have you been here?" He asked me. "Employed?" I asked, "7 months..." I sighed, "But you'd think I was new the way that she treats me." I huffed, looking at the ground. He smiled a bit and shook his head, "I don't agree with how she treats you, but I can't stand up for you this early." He laughed. I looked into his eyes, "Oh, Ross, I'm not gonna ask you to do that. The way she treats me is between me and her, and you're good at selling guitars. She loves you, in case you haven't noticed." I told him. "Well, she should treat you better. You do good things for this store, Tahlia, she should love you more."

I smiled at him and muttered, "Thanks... I appreciate that." I checked my watch. "We still have an hour and a half until closing and there's never anyone in here past 8..." I sighed, picking up my phone. "What time is it now?" "8:30." I told him, "We can't lock up until ten." I let out a laugh and went to my favorite guitar in the store. I sat down with it and played stairway to heaven, my go to of course.

Ross grabbed the Red Gibson he had looked at earlier and sat down across from me, beginning to play nonsense that sounded beautiful. I listened to him play until he looked up and motioned for me to play in response. I freely played a few things for him, captivating his gaze on my fingers as they strummed. I looked up and blushed at his intense stare. "You're... wonderful..." He mumbled, instantly shaking his head. "I mean- uh, you're, you play, so, you play wonderfully." He corrected unsuccessfully.

We sat quietly for a minute, the only noise being Ross' light playing on his guitar. "Can I say something?" He broke the silence. "Sure." I told him. "I..." He paused, "Wanna turn on the radio," He stood up, going over to the speaker system. I giggled and stood up, watching him scan channels. He found one he liked and began to dance like an idiot to it. I giggled and joined him, moving my hips to the horrible pop song beat. "Let's dance." He smiled, taking my hand in his as his hand went to my waist. I chuckled and rested my free hand on his shoulder, "Okay," I smiled.

He danced quickly to the song, laughing along with me when we stepped on each others feet or when we would sing the words at the top of our lungs... His eyes met mine and they didn't leave, dancing as I smiled at his beautiful face. "I like this..." He mumbled, rubbing his thumb on my finger. "Me too..." I muttered, nodding. He brought his head down and kissed me swiftly, lips to mine and off in two seconds.

"I am- I'm so sorry..." He caught himself. "That was um," "Don't be." I interrupted, "I'm okay with that..." I told him, "I think you're pretty wonderful..." "Can I say what I wanted to earlier?" He asked me with a nervous bite on his lip. "Sure..." I nodded at him, waiting patiently. Ross took a breath and smiled, "Ever since I met you, I have just felt like I should be close with you. I think you're so fascinating Tahlia." He blushed, looking at the floor. I smiled at him and brought his face up to mine, "I've felt the same way..." I smiled at him, "You're kinda cool..." I laughed at him. He chuckled and took my hand back, "So what do you say we close up early and go grab a bite to eat? It'll be my treat... And my idea if we get into trouble." Ross smiled, winking at me.

"That sounds pretty wonderful." I smiled at my repeating his phrase again, "I'd like that a lot."

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