Day 1 - Waking up

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My name is Eliza Fedge and when I woke up this morning I had no idea I was about to go through hell. Still, I did.

Well, actually I do. And I've only been awake for like two hours. I have no idea how things are gonna turn out now because we're in such a crazy unexpected mess. That's why I'm writing it down. You never know what's coming to you.

The world has gone dark. Really, really dark. Like, darker than anyone expected it to be, which I guess says a lot about the crap we're in because a lot of people were expecting something to happen and blow our world. Now it happened and I'm scared. Really, really scared.

But let's start from the beginning. My name is Eliza Fedge and I'm seventeen year-old. We're in the middle of July so I woke up late this morning. I obviously didn't have to go to school and I hadn't found a job. I intended to spent the summer like it was supposed to be spent - that is to say I hadn't planned anything except maybe going to the beach. Except going to the beach wasn't really an option when you lived miles and miles away from the sea.

Well you get the idea: I was living true holidays, nothing planned, nothing to do. And they say teenagers are depressed? God, I was living the dream and I'd give everything to get back there.

Anyway, do you know what's the first thing I did this morning? Yup, that's right. I opened my eyes. And immediately after that, I did what I do every morning: I checked my smartphone. Smart move, Eliza. It could had cost me my life, just like it did to all those people. Because, you see, during the night someone sent something on our cells. Yeah, on all our phones. All of them. I don't know what it was - an app or something - and people looked at the notification and... SHIT! I'm doing it again, sorry.

Back to my wake up, at 11 am, 'cause we're on fucking July you know. I checked my phone and... Well, nothing. I was looking at a black screen. Of course I tried to turn it off and on. Still nothing. My phone was just dead on my hand. Like how did that happen, right?

My first reaction was to call out for my mom (stepmom actually, but who cares?) and it took me a few seconds of silence to remember she was gone on holidays with my dad for the week. Yesterday was their 10th wedding anniversary. Yay.

I took my iPod and started to listen to my favorite songs, making my way to the kitchen still angry at my phone - and honestly trying to make it work by pressing again and again that damn on/off button. Obviously it was still not working. I caught a bowl of cereals I prepared yesterday evening (more like at 3 or 4 am) and went directly back to my room where my laptop was waiting for me. Let's face it, it was necessary since I had no idea of the time without my phone (I only knew it was 11 am thanks to my computer) and since I had to check my twitter account. I remember quite well how displeased I was not being able to check on my snapchat account and on every applications I had on my phone. If only I knew... Nope Eliza, don't do that again.

I went on Twitter and immediately get the feeling something wasn't right. There were a lot of alarming tweets there, CAPSLOCK and everything. As soon as the page appeared, there were already five notifications of new tweets. And I had 17 notifications. And FIVE direct messages. I mean, five. And I never get any of those.

And that's basically the moment I knew something terrible must have happened during the night - more precisely during the amount of time I was asleep.

Here is what I learnt from the tweets: something was sent on our smartphones. Well, I already covered that, didn't I?

Our? The entire world, it seems.

There's basically three types of persons right now on Earth. Those who had a dead phone in their hands (just like me) and didn't get the chance to receive the deadly application. Those who learnt about the deadly application before checking their phone and therefore didn't check them. And those who checked their phone when the application appeared on the screen.

Ok, there's also those weirdos that don't own a phone (and children probably). Well, you get the idea.

What was this application? I still don't know exactly. Here's what I do know though: all the people that looked at their phone just collapsed. They're all in a sort of inexplicable coma - unless they're dead because they were on the driveway or something like that when they passed out. There were at least two planes crashing on cities. Thousands of deads in five minutes. Because yes this app-thing was received worldwide in an instant.

Some countries were lucky because it was in the middle of the night. Others countries - like ours - were screwed because we received it a 9.47 am. No one in the world seems able to explain precisely what happened. What's this application? How did it get on our phone? Who sent it and why? How did it worked?

They checked their cellphones because they received a weird notification from an app and then they just collapsed. And that's how hell came to Earth.

And to be honest, I feel like this is just the beginning so I'm starting this diary because dad always said that we're able to deal with everything as long as we're able to struggle with it by writing it down.

Let's hope he's right. Let's hope my parents are alive - because I have no way to contact them without our phones. And because there were hundreds of accidents in the country and thousands of asleep bodies on the street. Like I said we're screwed.

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