Day 11 - Living together

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I don't know if Anna woke up or not last night. I pretended to be asleep because I didn't want to face her after what happened.

When I came to the kitchen this morning, Anton was there. Anton is Mary's brother, he is the one that found us yesterday in the barn. He faked his accent to confuse us - he didn't want strangers to find out who he was because his family's strategy to survive the App-ocalypse was to act as if they were dead. They secluded themselves and just lived like that since Day 1, fearing the day someone will find them. They heard it all - robbers, murders, riot... And they didn't - they don't ! - want to be any part of it, just like us.

However, it's not that easy pretending to be dead. The first few days they burried themselves in a shelter under the house. It's behind a hatch and its first aim was to protect the family in case of a tornado. Friends and neighbours came to see them and to check if they were alive, but all they found was an empty house. No one thought to look at the haven under the house because the family left a note saying they were going to Mary's place, because it was a big city and because they wanted to know if she was alive. People believed the note. People took a lot of food and clothes from them. But eventually people stopped to come and the family finally emerged from its haven two days ago.

They still had food because they live in a big farm and saved up a lot of things in their shelter. They're smart and they have confined some animals no one has seen in the barn to have meat and eggs and milk. They even have electricity thanks to an hydraulic system. Actually since yesterday I have the impression to be on holidays at the farm with some friends. It almost tastes like normal again.

Except, you know, Anton's penis. So he was there this morning and he blushed when he saw me, trying to smile. He's a 21-year-old boy who lived under his house with his parents for eleven days knowing he has no hope of seeing anyone else. Of course he tried to seduce me yesterday when I came into the bathroom. We weren't alone in the kitchen this morning but he came to our room when Anna was taking her shower. He said he was sorry. He said he was convinced I broke into the bathroom to see him, convinced I knew he was there in the first place. He had imagine things and was stupid. He also said he would do anything to make me feel at home regardless of what happened.

I think he also tries to seduce me for real, teasing me a little and everything. I could feel myself blushing during the whole conversation - all I kept seeing in my mind was him naked. I clearly told him he was not what I wanted, that I had a boyfriend called Mark and that I didn't want him to assume things about the feeling he thought I had about him. I lied about Mark, but at least now I feel safe when I walk on the home. I don't want to see Anton naked everyday and I don't want him to imagine we can be more than friends just because he's handsome and I'm lonely.

He left the room when Anna came back to our room because she needed to change. She dressed up with some of Mary's clothes. Adriana - Mary's mother - told us we could use what was left in her room - a lot was taken by their pretend friends when they believed the family was gone for good. She said it's what her daughter would have wanted. She made each one of our meal since yesterday and is now acting like our mother, taking care of everyone in the house, especially of Michael.

I don't know if I'm right but it's like she had make a transfer or something. I think she is caring about him because it helps her not to think about Mary. It's still better than John's attitude. Mary's father is still under the shock of her daughter's death. He spent the dinner asking questions about her to Georges. Of course, Georges didn't like that. He spent all his days thinking about her, we all knew that when we were in the bus. Now he just can't stop thinking about her because he has a constant reminder of what he has lost.

Anton tried to be nice to him and to shared some memories - but it was even worse for Georges to hear about a happy Mary than it was to answer all the questions about her. She's like a ghost constantly there with us: there are a lot of pictures of her around the house and all her stuff and I'm literally writing at her desk.

Yesterday we spent the day to figured out how to live together. Anton and Georges are sharing Anton's bedroom. They have a bed and a sofa and they're both around the same age so it seemed logical. I share Mary's bedroom with Anna. Mary had a king-sized bed so we both fit in. We thought Michael would have wanted to sleep in our bedroom but he asked to stay with Adriana - probably because of her hugs. Adriana is constantly hugging us whenever she thinks we need it. Problem is she's always right about our need so we enjoy her presence only to cry in her arms. I know this is bad for her but I did cry three times in her arms during the past day. I just can't help it.

John took an air bed into their bedroom and Michael slept there with them. I think Adriana makes a better substitute mother than me. I was only like his sister after all.

Today, Michael went with our men in the fields around the house to bring back some wheat. They have to be as discreet as possible because we don't want anybody to know we're here. John explained to us that this was important and why Anton faked a sort of Russian accent. If people start to know their family is alive and have electricity and water (collected each time it rained the last few months), then they will be soon attacked. An abandoned house isn't something that attract robbers because it means it's an empty house.

So the house is in a mess. Adriana asked Anna and I to help her broke a door today after she had broke a window with a rock. From the outside, we want the house to appear as abandoned as possible to keep robbers far from it. Since the farm is pretty isolated from the rest of the world, there is not a lot of people coming to it and it works. We saw a group of people walking on the road this afternoon. They didn't even looked at the house.

I think we are safe.

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