Day 3 - Saving stuff up

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I can't believe it ! I slept during like nine hours. Well, ok, fair enough ! I don't have any exact idea of how long I slept since I don't have any electricity to make my clock works but... I slept for a really long time. This is so incredible after the day I had – and after the very bad beginning of my night. I think I just passed out from exhaustion because I didn't sleep a lot recently.

I expected to have more nightmares during the night but I actually didn't. Or maybe I did, but I don't remember them so it's really not a big deal. I don't remember having any dream or else after I closed this diary last night, which is confusing since I'm used to remember a lot of them.

This morning – let's assume it was like 11 am or so – I decided I should start looking at how much food I had. More importantly I now want to find a way to save it up for the longest time. I do have a lot of food but since I threw everything out of its cupboards and closets and stuff, I'm beginning to see how this is not enough to live more than a week and a half at best.

And frankly I don't think the world will be better and back to normal in a week and a half. I don't think it will ever be back to normal actually but that's not the point I'm trying to make here. No what I'm trying to write here is my plan is already failing more than me at my last mathematics exam paper - which obviously means a lot.

Because yes, I had a plan which I thought was solid. It was an honest mistake I suppose. My plan was to keep waiting in the house until the city was deserted or something, then start moving on on my own and looking for ways to eat and drink by myself in the city or elsewhere nearby. Ok I didn't spend a lot of time on that plan but clearly I have to reconsider it or start a really strict diet – which is not something I was planning to do since as I've pointed out before the beach is far far away from my place.

More seriously I don't really know how to deal with the situation right now. I have food for four, maybe five days. Actually I would have food for like one month or two if I still had the microwaves or the fridge or... Anyway. I don't. I need to start focusing more on what I have, not what I want.

Easy to say, Eliza. I would give everything to have the power back into the house and to be able to take a hot sho –

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