Night 4 - Going to school

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Anna just screamed in her sleep. I woke her up because I was scared she would be noticed by a Robber or something. She was as surprised as I was to learn she was screaming out loud. She had a nightmare obviously.

I pushed her and she finally accepted to tell me what it was about. And of course it was about what we saw and did on our way to come here. What we saw was so disgusting that it doesn't surprise me that much she is having nightmares about it. I just hope I won't have them too. Yeah I didn't sleep yet because we decided that one of us should stayed up while the other was sleeping.

Anyway. I feel that this is the right moment to write about what we saw - now that I'm sitting by a window watching the moonlight and listening to the silence of the city.

What we saw was hell on Earth. At first, it was just a bunch of corpses and besides the smell we were able to take the punch in the guts. Then we heard a man screaming from a house near us. We looked at each other and we took the decision we said we would never take. We ran away from the house as if we didn't hear anything. We were monsters. We let that poor guy dealing with his pain and problems, whatever they were.

We didn't talk or anything. We just looked at each other and ran away. As if nothing ever happened. Honestly I don't really feel guilty. I mean sure I wish we could have helped him but let's face it we were two girls with some knives. What were we supposed to do if the guy was dealing with a Robber having a gun or something ?

Fled was the best option we had and that's what we did. I should probably feel more guilty about the guy but for all I know he may have get what he deserved. Maybe he was a Robber. We'd never know. And this is a comforting thought to imagine he was a bad guy himself.

Still this wasn't the scariest part of our trip. No, not at all. While we were running, we brutally stopped when we saw a dog eating one of the sleepers. The smell was one thing we could deal with. The blood on the street was another thing we more or less coped with. But this was too much. The dog was eating the face of that poor guy who was in a coma. And yeah he wasn't a dead guy because he was shaking in pain - and I wasn't aware a guy in a coma could move !

When the dog saw us he just fled with a part of the guy's brain in its jaw leaving him blooding and shaking on the street. This time we didn't run. We contemplated the awfulness of the scene before our eyes. We weren't ready to see something like that. It never occurred to me that pets were on their own now. It never occurred to me that a dog could eat a man. And I never thought I'd be witnessing this much blood and pain from someone who wasn't even conscious for God's sake!! He was just shaking, bleeding a lot, clearly dying in front of us.

Anna looked at me. Her eyes were full of tears. She did exactly what I wanted to do without having the guts to do it. She killed him. She took her knife and she just stabbed him twice in the chest aiming for the heart. The guy stopped shaking. He stopped breathing. That was over for him. We were both crying.

We started walking silently a few minutes after that. We didn't say a word before arriving to school. Once there, Anna disappeared a few more minutes in the bathroom. I supposed she cried a bit more. She probably vomited too. Oh, and she definitely washed her hands and t-shirt which were covered with the blood of the Sleeper.

When she came back to me and started to open the other locks, she started speaking again. I understood that we wouldn't talk about that. My teacher just ended a life in front of me and I wasn't supposed to say anything.

After all there is nothing to say. Instead I just try my best to do the small talks. I learned she was only twenty-three year-old (I imagined she was like thirty!) and had never teach a class before coming on our high-school. I learnt she loved the smell of the rain but hated the snow. I learnt she was married to an older guy - 28 yo - for three years. I learnt their wedding was due to the fact he was a soldier and went to war for two years. They were a couple for seven years. And now he was a sleeper, which means he was dead and in the hands of Robbers.

Plus, she basically killed a guy - even if there were circumstances. No wonder why she's having nightmares, right ?

She asked me to stay with her when I woke her up. Of course I did because I get why she didn't want to be alone. However I felt weird the whole time to be there, sitting on a desk when she was on the floor trying to fall asleep. We didn't talk. She just wanted a presence and I was there for her. I've never felt closer to anyone. As soon as she was asleep I exited the room and came here on the same classroom I was this afternoon when I wrote.

I didn't know what to think so I started writing. Now I'm beginning to fell back in my old habits of wanting to complain about my past life because all I can think about is Mark - and what Mark is doing right now. Is he dead? Is he a Robber? He could definitely be a Robber, strong as he was. Did he choose to help people around him instead? Did its dog ate parts of him?

Come on Eliza, just stop writing and thinking now. It'll soon be your turn to finally fall asleep.

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