Day 13 - Sleeping would be better

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A lot happened last night. I know I should be sleeping during the night but it's not that easy. I have nightmares and - more importantly - Anna has nightmares. She keeps moving all night and mumbling in her sleep since the day we saw that dog. Sometimes I caress her arm to make her feel better in her sleep. It seems to calm her for a while. Then it starts again.

Last night was one of those nights and I coudn't sleep. I get thirsty and decided to go to the kitchen to take a glass of water. What a terrible idea! Two times I decided to leave my room in the middle of the night, two times I instantly regretted that decision.

As I came closer to the kitchen I heard whispers. Terrified I stopped in the stairs, listening. Those whispers weren't robbers. They were John and Adriana, both in the kitchen, arguing. It gets worse: they were arguing about us. My heart skipped more than one beat when I understood what was happening: Adriana was telling John they couldn't keep us in the house for too long. It wasn't safe for their family. John was trying to bring her to reason but she was convinced of what she said. We were eating their food and bringing attention to their home. We were dangerous for her, and for John, and for Anton.

"Maybe we should keep Michael because he's a child but the others should leave".

Those words are frozen in my mind since I heard them. I was sure she was caring about all of us. I was sure she was ok pretending to be our mother. I was sure she was good with our current situation. How can she say things like that?

She had all my trust and I was so disappointed I could feel tears in my eyes. I can still feel them. I wasn't thirsty anymore. I was in shock. I decided to went back upstairs. When I did that I had the surprise to see Anton was standing behind me. He was just there and I didn't hear him come so I startled. I gasped but tried to be as quiet as possible. I didn't want Adriana and John to see me there. What if seeing me listening to them pushed John to agree we were wasting their food?

Anton was there looking at me. We were in the dark but I soon noticed how naked it was. Again. He was only wearing a boxer and smiled at me. I smiled back saying he scared me. He told me he was on his way to the kitchen to take a piece of cake when he saw me. Then he told me he saw me listening to his parents. I blushed - I know I blushed.

He took advantage of the situation and teased me about what a bad girl I was. Maybe it could have been funny - if it wasn't in the middle of the night, if he wasn't halk-naked, if he wasn't that close to my face. It wasn't funny at all. Then he told me he would repeat what he saw to his parents if I didn't kiss him.

How disgusting was he! I could still hear his parents arguing in the kitchen and all he was thinking was kissing me? What was he thinking? Sure he is funny and nice and clever. Sure he has abs and a nice body and he's handsome and everything. It doesn't make him attractive to me. At all.

He tried to kiss me because I didn't react to his question. My first instinct was to slap him... and so I slapped him.

His parents kept arguing. They didn't hear it. Anton was blushing and mumbled he was sorry, that he thought I would find him funny, that it was all a game. He went back upstair after a fourth "I'm so sorry I'm stupid".

It took me a moment to move again. I realised I was crying. Maybe if I was a different kind of girl I could have kissed him but seriously what was that? I mean the shower-thing was probably an accident but right there he tried to force me into kissing him by blackmailing me. How can he do that? He's such a nice guy otherwise. He looks a lot like Mark - except Mark would never blackmail me or trying so desperately to kiss me. He tried once in the very beginning of our relationship and I didn't let him. He never tried again even if it was clear he wanted to do it. He acted as a... as a normal person. As a human being.

I finally went back upstairs directly in our room. Anna was still sleeping but she heard me close the door. Thanks to a moonray she saw me standing there. She asked me if I was crying. I couldn't hide it. She came to me and hugged me. She asked me what was happening and I didn't know if I could trust her or where to start.

We lay in our bed, face to face and she wiped my tears. This movement was the key to my confession. I told her everything - from Anton naked in the bathroom to the moment where he tried to kiss me. I told her about Adriana and John.

She seemed worried about all that. She told me she would speak to Anton because it couldn't keep happening. If it wasn't enough she would speak to Georges. She told me not to worry about Adriana and John because it probably meant nothing. It was late and we had a long day so maybe in the morning Adriana would realize how stupid she was for thinking that. Anna had the answer to each one of my fears.

I felt asleep listening to her voice reassuring me.

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