Day 43 - Bonding with them

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As expected it was a really short night. I couldn't find sleep in those conditions. The woman came back this morning, as promised.

The door opened really early - Xia and Anna were still sleeping. I thought Anna was exhausted because of her wound. Georges has now told me he talked to a French surgeon about the wound and it is perfectly normal for Anna to be tired. I have way much to say about Georges but I should try to keep the story straight and in chronological order because I don't want to forget anything. There is definitely way too much to tell.

So the woman came back with the two women and three men we saw yesterday. She opened the door and asked us to come in the other room. The three men had opened the door of the room in which Georges and Anton were. We still don't know where Edmund is.

It turned out they are all normal nice people that have lost control of their life because of the App. They gave us a lot of details about their lives, but let's start with the basics. The old woman is named Melissa. She has a daughter, whose name is Elaine. Elaine is just as red-hair as her mother, except Melissa has some white hair. Of course Elaine is the bitch who wanted to torture me. Except now I know why she wanted to torture me and I can't really hold it against her. I'll come to that in a few moments.

Elaine has a husband, William. The second woman that questioned me yesterday - the nice one - is named Rose. She is the wife of Nathan, another one of the three men. The last man is named Sebastian and is unrelated with all the other. Sort of. Let's say he wasn't before.

Now they're all related. When the App stroke, they were all in the same room: they were watching a movie in theater. It was early in the morning so there were just the six of them. Except there were also Lily, Andrew and Kurt. Of course, those names immediately ring a bell since they asked me about them yesterday.

Lily and Andrew are Nathan and Rose's children. Kurt is William and Elaine's son. I think. It's all sort of confusing, it's obviously a lot of names. So they were all watching a movie for kids - it's still unclear for me why Sebastian was here in the first place since he is like thirty. They had no idea what happened in the world. They watch all of their movie. Their last normal moment.

When they went out of the cinema, they encountered chaos of course.

They stayed as a group in the cinema's hall, not knowing what was happening: there were a lot of people on the ground and fire outside in the street (a car accident, they discovered later). They imagined the city was under a terrorist attack or that a gas leak exploded. They decided not to go out of the building, because they had children.

They spent the first day of the App-ocalypse in this cinema. Seeing that no one took care of the fire they feared the worst. On the second day, there was a shortage of electricity and then they heard a big sound, as if someone was breaking the door of the building. They were right. They saw the army entered the room in which they were hidden from this mess. They thought they were saved from whatever happened out there.

Except the worst day of their life was that one. The army attacked them. They didn't want to save them, they weren't here to rescue them. They just wanted their children. They harvested the children.

At that point of the story, I looked at Georges. He was thinking the exact same thing as I was: Michael's sister, Lucy, was taken on the second day just after they lose the power. And her brother and I were abducted last week by some guys looking like military men. There is definitely something strange going on.

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