Day 42 - Starting again

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Xia came back. She was apparently alone and driving a bus toward us. Apparently. Just when we thought we were safe...

She stopped in front of our car and left the bus, crying. She said she was sorry. She was sorry, my ass.

Before we understood what was happening three men with balaclavas on their helmet appeared from nowhere - from the back of the bus I guess. First thing first: they were ridiculous with their protective suits and balaclavas. They were almost laughable until they aimed at us with guns. Again. What is it men have with guns since the App-ocalypse, seriously ?

Well, they asked us politely to get on the bus. This is not ironic, they were polite, except the three of them were pointing guns at us. We didn't try to fight back. Anna is still wounded and has her splint, I'm just a teenage girl and there's nothing Georges could have done again three men. And Xia was sobbing. Men asked where Edmund was but we had - we have - absolutely no idea.

So we left. On the bus. One of the men drove whereas Xia, Anna, Georges and I were guarded by the other two and their guns. One of those guns were Xia's gun. They weren't violent or anything. We could talk and basically do whatever we wanted during the bus ride. Xia said she was sorry; she had according to her no choice but to drive them to us - or else, they would have killed Anton.

It seems Anton was tortured. I saw him briefly before I ended up here, and they were contusions on his face. He wasn't as handsome as he was before everything started, that's for sure. Anyway. They drove us towards the nearest city and made us enter in a building which looked a lot like an old deserted factory.

Which is where we are now. Anna, Xia and I were left in a room with rope as handcuffs. Georges had to follow them. Somewhere.

They left us here like that for approximately fifteen minutes. We had no idea who they were or what was about to happen to us. We tried to untie each other but that wasn't as effective as what we're used to see in movies. Seriously, this all App-ocalypse just turned out to be Movie VS Reality for me.

Then a woman came and looked at us. She asked me to come with her - more precisely she asked Eliza to follow her. It seemed she didn't know whereas I was Eliza or if it was Xia. Or if the name she thought she knew was a lie, maybe. I'm getting scared of all the people who ask for me.

I followed her in a contiguous room where there was only a chair. I heard Georges scream in another room. I tried to call him - to reach him, running away from the woman behind me but another one appeared from a door and slapped me. I tumbled and they forced me to sit in the chair, which was conveniently in the center of the enormous room.

They started to ask me a lot of questions - what was my name and my age? did I know Michael? Was Anton a friend? Those kind of questions. Then, they asked me about Andrew, and about Lily, and about Kurt, and it made absolutely no sense at all. The first woman seemed to believe me. The other one - who had red hair a little bit darker than Mary had on the picture I saw of Mary - wasn't as convinced as her friend. She wanted to torture me and all I was able to think about was that she looked a bit like Mary because of her hair. I don't know. Details help to think of something else when you're terrified.

The first one stopped her. I was relieved until she asked for my diary. She told me they knew about my diary - Georges had speak about it. I was more focused on the painful silence which answered her question. I didn't hear Georges anymore. I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

However it was clear the two women were playing bad cop/good cop with me. They asked me again, the red-haired one threatening me. I didn't want to give them which is my most precious item but I didn't had any choice. I gave it to them, crying. I didn't want to cry either but I couldn't help it.

They took it. The red-haired woman disappeared from my sight with my diary on her hand. "Don't worry. We'll give it back to you if your friends didn't lie to us. Sorry." said the other one. Yeah, that bitch sounded sorry for sure.

She then asked me to come with her. I followed her reticently. My hands were still tied on my back. I saw another door and glanced at the room in which there was Anton. He saw me, tried to get up but one of the men knocked him out and the door was closed by someone else. The woman made me entered in Anna & Xia's room.

She agreed to untie Anna who was obviously feeling pain in her shoulders. She was so pale. She untied her with a knife she then used to threaten her. She took her and pressed the knife on her throat. She left the room with her, then pushed Anna back toward us and slammed the door.

Obviously she locked the door before we had a chance to reach it but Anna was able to untied us. We were forced to wait and I told them what happened to me.

We wait for an hour or so. Then the door reopened. Xia tried to struggle with whoever was about to come in... but there was no one in sight. On the floor was my diary. She took it and I rushed forward to take it from her hands. No way she was reading that.

An old red-haired woman faced us. She was a mile or so from the door, the key in her hand. She said she was sorry for the terrible mistake that happened and will explain everything to us tomorrow, as it was night already. She thought we were sleeping and just wanted to give me back my diary that they didn't read entirely - that is according to her. Well, if I'm being rational I think it takes more than an hour to read all this crap.

Xia ran toward her to hit her with her fist but a man stepped out of nowhere again and made her fell. We were forced to go back to our room then, because he still had a gun. He took off his balaclava though and I must say he was more handsome then expected. They as...

I can hear something is vibrating in Anna's pocket. What the hell?!

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