Day 35 - Losing Hope

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Woups sorry I didn't publish this chapter in time, it's been a while already
We stopped in a house, a house just like Adriana and John's house. The typical familiar and familial farm. They gave both of us a bedroom. I don't know exactly where is Michael's one. Somewhere on this floor obviously. At least I'm not handcuffed anymore. I still don't understand what they want from us.

Yesterday, when we arrived here, one of them called me "Ma'am". This is fucked up! I'm not handcuffed anymore but I'm still a prisoner: they locked the room in which I am with a key. I'm on the second floor of this really big house so I sure can try to break the window, but I won't go anywhere from there. I can't leave.

I tried to talk to them again and again yesterday, but there were nothing I can do. I finally fell asleep on the bed of this house. They first instructed me not to take my suit off. They also made sure I knew how to change the bottle of oxygen tied to it. And they left me a second bottle of oxygen for when I'll have to change the empty first one.

Those things are so heavy - heavier than you thought when you saw them on TV. I mean they basically acting as if it was nothing on those shows I watched but clearly it's not ! You can't do anything freely seriously. Those things are so awful. Well they're also life-saving I guess, so I won't do anything stupid with them like trying to knock out those guys.

I thought about it. I thought about it a lot when we came out of the car yesterday. I am not sure what I would have done after that, and it may be too risky anyway. I need those bottles to survive, right?

To tell the truth the only thing I can do in this room is to try to think about every possible escape plans. That could be fine and fun but I constantly end up with nothing but deadlocks. I'm almost certain the best I can do is leave this room - meaning I'm pretty sure I can break the lock which looks really old. However, I don't know where Michael is and I'm clearly outnumbered : I won't go far. Even if I decided to leave Michael there - but why would I do that ? How could I ? - I'm not sure I can leave the house without being spotted by one of those military guys.

I call them military guys in my head even if I don't know anything about them because that's what they look like even though they don't have any uniform. They don't need them: they act like military guys in the way they're shaped and in the way they're walking. Plus they have those incredible but real machine guns and walkie-talkies literally screaming "US Army".

Can they be from the US Army? If that's so why would they take us? We're only children, even if I try to act like a grown-up I know I'm not. Why would they leave her? Why would they locked me in a bedroom?

Honestly I doubt I'll be able to escape. Even if I could escape I don't know how far from Anna I am. Anna. I can't stop thinking about her - how could they leave her there and then talk to me. "Here's your room, ma'am." Fuck you.

I was too shocked to reply to him at first and then he looked shocked himself by what he told me. I don't even know why we stopped here in that house. I have no cl...

OH MY GOD. They're in the garden ! Three guys. They're with Michael. It looks like they're training him. A military training of some sort - from where I am it looks like Michael is doing push-ups. Poor Michael. Why would they forced him to do push-ups? He's just a kid! And he already has to carry around this damn bottle of oxygen everywhere. What are they doing?

They are talking to him. I can see their lips moving through their helmets. If only I could hear them. All I can hear is the sound of a walkie-talkie through the door. It started doing some distinct noise a while ago - maybe ten minutes or so. One of the guys is talking to someone using his walkie-talkie. It's not the first time that I surprised something like that since we arrived in this house. As a matter of fact it started when they showed me my room. They looked alarmed and surprised when noise came out of it and one of them fled out of the room.

I cannot hear distinctly what is said. Fuck. I can't hear them speak to Michael - doing sit-ups now. This must be a nightmare I can't imagine his pain. I can't hear them talking to someone I don't even know. I can't know if Anna is still alive. I can't escape. I can't go and look for her. I can't stop thinking.

There must be something I can do but right now I feel so useless.

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