1. Run away Bride

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"You look beautiful." Elise said, staring at the mirror I was in front of, admiringly.

"Thankyou, I'm having no second thoughts on making you my maid of honor." I said, admiring her in that beautiful dress. The light pink dress with its contrasting black top hung draped over her hips, fitting perfectly. She adjusted her sleeves that hung off her shoulders as she's too admired the dress.

I suddenly felt extremely nervous and sat down. My mom rushed over and knelt down by me.

"Oh sweetheart, its okay. Everyone gets nervous on their big day." I smiled and let out a huff of air, getting back up and straightening my dress. I reached up to tend to my hair that felt a bit loose, pulling at the braid that was littered with white beaded pins.

My dad walked into the small room and smiled, tears brimming his eyes.

"You look beautiful, just like your mother." He broke down crying.

"Oh daddy, don't cry. If you do, I will." I said, going up to him and hugging him. When I pulled away, he broke into a coughing fit.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm fine. There's been this strange disease goin' around, and we bumped into some crazy guy earlier." He said, that just made me worry.

"I just wish you're brother could have made it." My mom looked like she was going to cry too.

"Me too, but-" I started, getting cut off by one of the bridesmaids rushing in and handing me my bouquet, telling me that it was almost time.

I soon heard music play, and my dad took my hand.

"You ready?" He asked, as we stood infront of the chapel doors arm in arm.

I nodded, and the doors swung open.

The sound of music, and the way the crowd fell silent and stood staring, was overwhelming. I felt like running. That was until I met the gaze of Dallas, my soon to be husband.

I started to walk forward with my daddy, clinging to his arm. Dallas smiled, and that made my heart melt.

Once I got to the steps, my dad let go. I felt extremely nervous.

Dallas started coughing, and I froze.

He hunched over and soon, blood was coming out of his mouth. I rushed over, not knowing what to do. He fell to the floor as he struggled to get in a breath. The blood that he was coughing up was getting on my dress, but everything was hazy.

"Help, someone Help!" I shouted at the frozen crowd.

He stopped coughing and I stood up, backing away. Tears were filling my eyes uncontrolably as I backed up into a corner. My gaze was focused on my dad trying to perform CPR.

Dallas wasn't breathing.

I screamed, due to the overwhelming emotions, with my hands on my ears. My mom rushed over and I slid down the wall.

"God. Oh God, please help, oh God," I whispered. My dad sat up and stopped trying, "No!" I screamed, getting up and running towards Dallas. I tripped on my dress and fell on my knees, sitting over him and caressing his face, "God no. Please God no." I sobbed. My dad took me away from Dallas and left me outside like a child. Tears were running down my face and what happened next seemed to be slow motion.

I heard screams, and opened the door. Dallas was on top of my daddy, biting into his neck. But that wasn't Dallas. That was a monster.

I was in shock as the people inside of the chapel ran out. I rushed to get out of the way, as they all filed out, hitting my back against the wall. I couldn't hear anything. My vision was cloudy. I stumbled away from the wall and shook my head. I had just witnessed two of my favorite men die right infront of my eyes.

I ran to the road behind the church and took off my shoes and my veil, throwing them down and I ran. I ran until my legs were numb, but even then they managed to carry me to my destination.

I finally I came upon the city. That city that had been my home city. The city where I could find my brother.



How was that for my first chapter
I feel like I could have done better.

Publishing this makes me soooo nervous, because I've been working on this for two years yet I still feel like it's not ready.



Written- 2015
Published- 2017
Edited- 2019

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