Paradise lost

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  Daryl ran over to me and knelt down. My hand was shaking and I looked up.

  "I'm s-stuck." I grunted, trying to move. He nodded and lifted the bar off of my leg. I got it out and Daryl helped me up. My hand was stinging and I pulled the piece of glass out of it, holding in screams of pain as my hand shook violently. Daryl looked at me with concern and I dropped the glass, blood dripping down my arm. He looked around and thought for a sec.

  "Come on." He said, rushing towards Block C. I tried to follow, but my foot prohibited me from doing so. He looked back and saw me struggling to follow. He ran back and picked me up, running towards the cellblock.

  The tank blew another hole in a building in front of us and he turned and ducked down, covering me with his body. I was clinging onto his neck with my left hand and my other hand was laying in my lap.

  We saw people running everywhere and I watched John running towards the bus, but stop when he saw me. He rushed over and ran beside us, picking up a gun on the ground on the way.

  He ran next to us and opened the door to the block. Daryl put me on a table and ran into one of the cells, coming out with medical supplies and handing it to John. After that he ran upstairs and came down with my bags.

  "Take these and go. It's not safe here anymore." He said, putting the bags on the table next to me. As if to prove his point, the tank blew a chunk into the wall in the cell room.

  "What about you?!" I yelled over the gunfire.

  "I have to stay and fight." He said, checking the ammo on his gun and turning to leave.

  "Wait!" I called after him, then grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me, holding on tight to him. "Please don't die." I whispered. He hugged me tight and a short feeling of safety in his arm washed over me, then he let go, looking me in the eyes.

"Get to safety." He said. I nodded and he kissed me quick.

  He pulled away and started to back up, then ran out without another glance.

  John disinfected my wound on my hand and wrapped it up tight. I thanked him and got down, looking down at my bags. One was a lot bigger than the other, so I stuffed the medical supplies in it and then the contents of the smaller bag, and stood up, throwing it over my shoulder.

  I sighed and John held his hand out to help me out. I grabbed a gun and leaned on him, walking as quick as I could towards the door. I took one last glance at what we called home and took a deep breath before going out the door to hell.

  As soon as I walked out, shots hit the wall next to me. I ducked down a bit and John helped me get to cover. We ran towards the cars and I tried to shoot at a few people on the way. Before we got there, I looked into the field and saw Rick on the ground with the governor, who was on top of him.

  "We have to help him," I yelled to John, attempting to put my gun on the fence with one hand just as the governor began to choke Rick. John grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away, but I held onto the fence with my good hand. "He's going to kill him!"  Tears pooled my eyes as John tugged me away from the fence. As he did, people began to fire at us again. We ran to the cars and got to the only one left in shape. I got in the passengers side and John got in the drivers side.

  "We have to go," John said, acknowledging the worried look on my face.

  "I know." I whispered.

  He put the car in drive and I put my seatbelt on. We drove past the tank and immediately after, I watched Daryl throw a grenade into it and a guy crawled out the top. The last time I saw Daryl, he shot the man and looked over to me, watching us drive away.

  "Oh my God." I said as we drove away from the prison that was up in flames. We went out the side exit of the gates and drove around the fence. I saw Rick on the ground, fighting the governor and Michonne walked up with her sword, stabbing the governor. I sighed a breath of relief as we drove onto the road and I got one last glimpse of the prison through the back window.

  I felt tears trickle down my cheeks and I turned towards the front.

  "We have nowhere to go-" My voice cracked.

  "We'll figure something out." John reassured me. I shook my head and let out a sob.

  I took my bag off and shoved it in the back, noticing two tents and three guns back there as well, with 3 boxes of ammo. Behind the tents were blankets and jackets. Someone had stashed this car way before things went bad.

  There was also food, but not a lot. There was cereal, canned vegetables and granola bars.

"We-we have stuff back here. Plus the things in my bag. We can make it on our own." I said to him.

He stayed quiet as we drove. I leaned my head on the window and watched walkers passing by quickly. I noticed how fast we were going and I sat up.

"John." I said, trying to get his attention. "John." I said again, a bit louder. We started going faster and I looked over to him. "John, you're going to get us killed. John, Slow down!" I said. His angry face softened and we began to slow down a bit.

  "I'm sorry." He said quietly as we slowed to a normal speed.

  We ran out of gas about an hour in and stopped on the side of the road. I got out and closed the door, limping to the back and opening the trunk. I got out a can of vegetables and handed it to John who just threw it back in.

  "We can't be eating up all of our food now." He said. I sighed and took out a water bottle, trying to open it, but it was hard with my hand. I handed it to him and he opened it for me. I drank half of the bottle and hobbled back to the front.

  He opened up the door and sat in the drivers seat again. I sat in the passengers seat and put the water in the cup holder.

  "Do... do you think they made it out?" I asked, looking over to him.

  "Who?" He turned to face me.

  "Rick. Carl. Judith. Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, Daryl..." I listed off names and a tear rolled down my cheek.

  "I'm sure they're all okay." He reassured me. I wiped the tear from my face and John sighed.

  "We need more gas." He said, turning to open the door again.

  "Stay here. If I need anything, I'll scream." He smiled a bit and opened the door, stepping out and grabbing his gun.

  I leaned my seat back and put my arm behind my head, making sure I locked the doors. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the horror that I had just witnessed just a few hours ago. Soon I drifted into sleep.


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