The highway

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I woke up in the RV on the couch. I was wrapped in a blanket and my bag was sitting next to me. Andrea was at the table and Rick was sitting at my feet.

I sat up. "What happened?" I asked, rubbing my throbbing head. I didn't remember leaving the CDC.

"Why aren't we at the CDC?" Rick jumped and looked at me with concern.

"It blew up. You had a panic attack, then passed out and I had to carry you out. We all got out except for Jacqui. She stayed. It's what she wanted." My eyes grew wide. I remembered the doctor saying that he was going to blow the air up, but nothing else.

  "And Taylor?" I asked. Rick shrugged. "M.I.A." He replied and I smiled a bit, relieved.

"How long have I been out?" He hesitated before answering.

"Two days." He said quietly.

I sat up. "Two days?!" He tried to calm me down by putting his hands up as if to ease me down. I had never been out for that long after an attack!

"Yes, we had a hoard come through and we lost Sofia, but we're looking for her. We were actually just about to go out." He said, getting up.

"I want to come." I threw the blanket off and tried to get up, but he sat me back down.

"No, you just woke up." He sat back down with me. My head started to spin and I got dizzy.

"He's right." Andrea said, snapping a gun together and getting up. "You wouldn't last an hour out there. You're weak." I slumped down, defeated.

"Fine, but tomorrow I'm going out whether you like it or not." I said, disappointed.

I got up anyway and followed Rick out.

Glenn saw me and smiled.

"Hey! Look who's up." I laughed a bit and Lori walked up to me.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Lori said laughing.

I smiled and said hi to some people. I was walking around, checking the place out, when I got to behind the RV. Daryl was loading arrows into his crossbow.

"Hey." I said, approaching him. He looked up and had a shocked expression on his face at first, but it only lasted a second, he mumbled a 'hey' and stuck an arrow in his mouth. He pulled his bow back and loaded it with the bow in his mouth, then slung it across his back.

  "You're going out to look too?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He shrugged. "Yeah. We're going to find her." He turned around and regrouped with the other people that were going to look for Sofia.

They all left and Lori started to comfort Carol, who was crying at this point.

I went back into the RV and sat on the couch, eventually laying down, because despite the fact I was asleep for three days, I was quite tired.

• • •

  I woke up to the sound of the RV opening and closing. I jumped up and my eyes snapped wide open. Rick apologized and I looked outside and the sun was starting to set. It was a mix of oranges and purples blended together. I went outside and climbed onto the roof with Dale. We started talking, me watching the sunset, Dale watching for walkers.

  "How long have you been up here?" I asked.

  "All day." I looked at him with wide eyes.

  "No thankyou." I chuckled. "I would not want to do that." We both laughed a bit. I stared admiringly at the mixed colors in the sky.

  "It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked Dale. He glanced at the sunset and nodded. Sunsets were by far my favorite time of the day. After chatting, I figured out that sunrises were Dale's favorite time of day.

  "My shift is pretty much over." Dale said, looking up, then checking the watch on his wrist that didn't even work.

  I heard someone climbing up the ladder and saw Daryl's head popped up.

  "It's my shift now." Daryl said. Dale got up and left.

  "Hey." I waved a bit, still watching the sunset. I was sitting cross cross at the head on the RV and the stuff for watch was at the back. Daryl gave a nod of acknowledgement.

  "Don't you think it's beautiful." I sighed.

  He shrugged. "I guess." He answered.

  I turned towards him. "I don't get you." I said, turning back to the sun that was almost down below the horizon.

  "What don't you get?" He asked, still setting up for his shift.

  "You could be all sweet and open at one moment or when we're alone for the most part. But any other time, you're reserved and you just act sorta mean and careless." He looked at me and looked kinda speechless.

  "You don't know my life." He replied.

  "You're right I don't." I paused. "But that's all the more reason why you shouldn't take your anger out on other people. They don't know your life." I snapped. The sun had gone down and people were going to sleep so I had to talk in a bit of a hushed voice.

  "I care." He said, pulling his shoulders back and looking around to make sure he isn't missing any walkers or anything. "I care about finding that little girl." He pointed a bit towards the woods.

  "I care about my brother." He said, I nodded.

  "Okay." I said, not feeling like going into a bunch of stuff.

  "What?" He asked as if I had more to say.

  "It's just that you put on this big tough act. And maybe that's who you are, but I don't think it is. We've all lost people. Some people just cope with it differently." I said, making my way to the ladder on the back and climbing down, going into the RV and turning in for the night.


Shorter, I know, but I'm tired and the next chapter is going to be kinda big. I'm trying to go as fast as possible, so forgive me please if it seems too fast or if anything doesn't make sense. I'm trying to make Daryl the same, but I also want him to be more capable of caring and loving. I don't want to wait until season 3 before Daryl cares and shows emotion. Also, I know that she sleeps a lot, and I'm sorry about that.


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