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  "Shane stop!" I yelled as he started to run full speed at Rick.

  Shane busted through the gate, "What are you doing?!" He yelled.

"Shane, just back off." Rick said, trying to keep the walker under control.

  "Why do your people have guns?" Hershel calmly asked.

  "Are you kidding me?" Shane yelled. "You see what they're holding onto?!" He shouted.

  "I see who I'm holding onto." Hershel said, struggling.

  "No, man, you don't." Shane said.

  "Let us do this, then we can talk." Hershel led the walker closer to the barn.

  "What do you want to talk about? These things ain't sick. They ain't people." Shane shouted, he was beyond angry.

  Daryl held up his gun, ready to shoot them if anything happened.

  "They're dead! All they do is kill!" Shane kept yelling.

  "Shane, shut up!" Rick yelled.

  "Hershel, let me ask you something." Shane said, loading his gun. "Could a living, breathing person walk away from this?" He held his gun up and shot the walker that Hershel had a three times in the chest.

  "No! Stop it!" Rick yelled.

  "That's three rounds in the chest. Could some who was alive take that? Or is it still coming?" He pointed and shot it again.

  "It's heart, its lungs. Why is it still coming?" He kept shooting.

  "Shane enough!" Rick yelled again. Shane nodded.

  "Yeah, you're right. That is enough." He looked down and then raised his gun again, walking up, and shooting it in the head.

  Hershel fell with it. His face dropped like he just lost a family member. He was speechless.

  Rick was still holding the other walker.

  "Enough, risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!" Carol gasped and stepped back, "enough, living next to a farm full of things that could kill us! Rick, it ain't like it was before. Now if y'all want to live, if y'all want to survive, you got to fight for it. I'm talking fight! Right here, right now!" He finished and ran over to the barn doors.

  "Grab the snare pole." Rick said to Hershel. "Hershel, take the snare pole!" People kept shouting, but Hershel was just out of it.

  Shane started banging on the chain around the door with a pickaxe. He tucked the pickaxe under and broke the chain.

  "Shane, stop! Rick, do something!" I looked at Rick with wide eyes.

  "Please!" Rick shouted, "this isn't the way!"

  Shane took off the wood that was holding the door shut. He hit the door.

  "Come on, we're out here." He said to himself.

  Lori hid Carl behind her and Maggie knelt by her father and cried.

  The doors opened.

  Walkers filed out, one by one.

  Shane started shooting, Andrea ran up, T-dog. We each went up and started to shoot at them.

  Glenn hesitated and asked Maggie, she nodded, "it's okay" and he ran up and started shooting as well. I took out my gun and strode up, getting any walkers that were still moving on the ground.

  Shane turned around and shot the walker that Rick was still holding. Maggie was sobbing and Hershel still could find words.

  We stopped shooting and just stared at all the walkers on the floor. Everywhere.

  We heard growling and feet shuffling inside the barn. Daryl held up his gun and Shane kept a firm grip on his.

  We all stood there until it came out into the light.

  I sighed and dropped my arm, letting my gun go and land at my feet.

  "Sophia?!" Carol started to run up to her, but Daryl dropped his gun and held her, bringing her down with him on the floor.

  "Sophia! Sophia.. Sophia.." She sobbed. I felt a lump in my throat and stepped back. We all lowered our weapons.

  Sophia looked up and walked out slowly. She had a gash in her neck and she was all dirty.

  The group was silent.

  Carl and Lori started to cry as well and Lori whispered, "Don't watch." Rick started to move forward and stood in front of everyone. He raised his gun and Daryl tightened his grip on Carol, who was still whimpering Sophia's name.

  She was only a few feet away when Rick pulled the trigger. I closed my eyes and turned away. I heard her body hit the floor and I looked back. Daryl still had Carol tight in his grasp and Carol was on the floor wailing. We all kept silent and all you could hear was Carol's crying.


  I feel like this is a good spot to end for now

~ kenz

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