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We all stood in silence as grief washed over us.

Carol was still crying and Daryl had his arms around her. "Don't look. Don't look." He picked her up on her feet and turned her around, facing away from Sophia. She struggled and thrashed out of his arms, storming away to the tents.

Daryl stood there, watching her leave and looking to me. He looked so disappointed in himself.

Beth was sobbing in Jimmy's arms and she pried herself out and stumbled towards the bodies. She moved a body off of another one, and pulled at that one, flipping it to face it upward. She sobbed and put both hands on the walker's face and putting its head on her lap. It must be her mom.

The walker suddenly jerked up, grabbing her hair and she started to scream.

We all rushed over and Shane, Rick and Hershel pulled her away. People started to shout and Glenn held the walker's hands. Andrea grabbed a pickaxe and stabbed it in the head. We all relaxed and Beth continued to sob.

We stood in shock again and broke apart, walking away from the scene.

"We were out there combing through those woods and she was here all along? You knew." Shane shouted.

"Leave us alone." Maggie said, holding her family as they walked back.

"You knew and you kept it from us." He pointed.

"Shane, just stop. Leave them be." I said, speeding up a bit to catch up to them.

"We didn't know. Otis put those people in the barn. He must have put her in before he died." Hershel stopped, turning around.

"How am I supposed to believe that? Do I look like an idiot?" Shane asked rhetorically.

"I don't care what you believe. Get him off my land." He pointed to Shane.

"Please no. Everybody please just calm down." Rick put his hands up.

Shane walked up to Hershel and Maggie slapped him.

"Don't touch him! Haven't you done enough?" Glenn rushed up and got in between them.

Hershel ushered his family inside.

"I mean it. Off my land." He pointed, then went inside.

I sighed and walked to the tents. Daryl was pacing back and forth, muttering curse words under his breath.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulders. He looked at me, torn.

"Don't beat yourself up. You didn't know. It's not your fault." I tried to assure him. He shook his head. I tried to meet his gaze but he fixed his eyes on the RV.

Carol was sitting in the window. I let go of his shoulders and stepped out of the way. He gave me a broken look and made his way to the RV. I watched him go inside and sit on the counter.

I sighed and went to the edge of the woods, where they were digging the graves. I helped dig them and once we were done I got out to go get everyone. Lori made her way to the house and I went to the RV.

Daryl was still sitting on the counter when I walked in and he gave me a quick glance.

"They're ready." I looked down. Carol didn't move. "Come on." I sighed.

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