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  I got to the cafeteria and found the entire group all seated around the table. Daryl was drinking in a corner and I sat next to Rick and filled my plate with as much food as I could take. Daryl got up, holding his drink in the air.

  "To Dr. Jenner!" Everyone shouted. After the commotion was settled down, Rick said some serious words about how thankful he was.

  "You know, it wouldn't hurt him to have some wine." I smirked, pouring some for myself and motioning to Carl. Rick looked to Lori hopeful.

  "What's it going to do?" Rick whispered.

  "I guess it won't hurt him to have a bit. If it's okay with you." Lori shrugged. Carl smiled as I poured a little in his cup. He took a sip and scrunched his nose, sticking out his tongue.

  "Eww." He said, setting his cup down and pushing it away.

  "That's my boy." Lori said lowly, kissing his head. Everyone laughed and it felt good not to worry.

  We were all talking and laughing and I genuinely felt happy... until I spotted the last person I wanted to see sitting in the far corner of the room, drinking something that looked like whiskey.

  My face fell, and my smile disappeared. Taylor locked his gaze on me. A sick look appeared on his face and I dropped my fork. I tried to look anywhere but him, but it sickened me to even be in the same room as him.

  I got up and turned around to walk away. Rick grabbed my arm.

  "Where are you going?" He whispered.

  "I don't feel well." I said quietly. He let go and I walked out of the room, shaking my head and trying to feel okay.

  I went into my room, sitting on the bed and putting my head in my hands. I heard the door creak open and I shot my head up.

  I shot up, seeing Taylor walk into my room. I glared at him, clenching my hands into fists and digging my nails into my palms.

  "What are you doing here?" I growled. I backed up towards the bathroom.

  "What do you mean? I'm a part of this group too now." He said, slowly getting closer.

  "I mean, in my room. I don't want you here." I backed up some more, hitting the wall next to the bathroom.

  "I just wanted to talk." He grinned. I felt sick again, inching my way to the door. I looked down to see how close I was and saw that I was right next to the door. I reached for the knob quickly, but Taylor realized before I could get to it.

  He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the door, shoving me to the ground. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up while I struggled to get out of his grip. I started slapping at him and he dragged me towards the wall. I looked around for something sharp while still holding onto my hair. I let out whimpers as I reached for a pair of scissors under the bed. As soon as I got a hold of them I tried to slash at him, but I couldn't reach. I instead reached up and cut at the hair beneath where he was grabbing. I pulled away from him and ran towards the door, accidentally dropping the scissors. When I tried to open it, he ran behind me and shut it again, pushing me away against the wall and cornered me in with his hands on either side of me.

  "Get out." I said lowly. "Before I scream."

  "Come on hun, you wouldn't do that to me." He gave me a look as if he would hurt me and smiled sickly. I sighed, defeated and he removed one of his hands from the wall, placing it lightly on my jaw. I winced at his touch.

  Why does everything bad happen to me? I thought to myself. My heart started to pound as a tear dripped down my face.

  "People are going to be done with dinner soon." I whispered, not making eye contact with the sick freak in front of me.

  "Well then, I'll make this quick." He said. I could smell the alcohol and he almost slurred his words. He laughed a bit moving his hand onto my neck and shoving me into the wall. I took in a sharp breath and the air was knocked out of me. I eyed the scratch on his arm.

  "T-Taylor, stop." I breathed out.

  "Oh, but the fun is only just beginning." He growled. He pushed his hand harder on my neck, squeezing tightly.

  We heard foot steps down the hall and people laughing.

  He put his finger to his mouth and shushed me. I struggled and tried to get his hand off of my neck so I could breathe. I tried to hit the scratch on his arm, but I was beginning to feel weak.

  The footsteps passed and he smiled, letting go with a push and standing up and walking to the door. I coughed and struggled to get some air in, my vision went a bit hazy and my hearing faded in and out. He put his ear on the door to make sure no one was outside, so I took my chance and made a break for the bathroom.

I got in just as he realized I was up and I shut the door, locking it. I heard him scoff and walk with heavy footsteps to the bathroom. I searched for something that I could defend myself with and found a sharpened toothbrush, for some reason, inside the bag of toiletries.

I held it up and got ready to stab him if he got close, but just then I heard the door creak open and shut.

I steadied my breathing and tried to be as quiet as I could. I felt scared, but the adrenaline pretty much helped me to not feel anything. Still, my hands shook immensely. I unlocked the door and opened it a crack, peeking through it.

The room was empty, so I opened the door and dropped the the toothbrush. The adrenaline wore off a I fell to the floor in a sobbing mess. I ran my fingers through my uneven hair, wondering why we hadn't ditched him in the middle of the woods to die yet.

It's okay, he's already dying.

I got back up and stood in front of the mirror, looking at my neck, there was an actual handprint around my neck.

I looked at my uneven hair that ranged from below my collar bone to just above my belly button.

I went out and grabbed the scissors and a brush, brushing out my hair and putting the scissors about collar bone length to even it out.

I put all of my hair in front of my shoulders and closed my eyes, breathing in a deep sigh.

I opened them again and chopped off a good 4 or 5 inches. It then sat just a little under my collar bone.

I made sure it was all even and brushed it all out, then put away the scissors. When I stood back up, I examined my healthier hair. I shook my head and it felt so much lighter and it would be easier to maintain.

I turned and grabbed some toilet paper, wiping my eyes and throwing it out. Then I walked out into the room and got changed and climbed under the covers, sleeping in a real bed for the first time in weeks.


Is this getting stupid?


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