Disaster strikes

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  A gunshot woke me and I shot up, walking to my cell door. It was shut and outside I saw Hershel on the ground, someone shot and someone bit, and two walkers were out there.

  I struggled and opened my cell, stabbing one walker that was on the ground. I couldn't get my knife out and I got up and put my foot on it's head, pulling with all my strength, which wasn't much.

  I got it out and stumbled back. The railing for the stairs caught me.

  "Everyone back in your cells." Hershel said, getting up and going towards the other walker.

  I heard violent coughing and gagging from upstairs and I made my way up as fast as I could without straining myself.

  I found Glenn at the top and Lizzie screaming for Hershel. I moved Lizzie out of the way and looked around for one of the air pumps that Hershel had been using.

  I saw one still in a guy on the bed and I looked back in search for Hershel's help. I got up and turned, still not leaving Glenn, but looking for help. I had never actually done this, I've just gotten things for Hershel.

  "Come on Henry, come on." Lizzie said, leading a walker with a manual ventilator in its mouth down the hallway away from us.

"Lizzie, no!" I shouted, but I didn't want to leave Glenn. I let out a breath and got up, rushing towards her and pushing the walker over the rail. It landed on top of a chain link area.

  I leaned over the railing and yelled for Hershel, looking back to Glenn and seeing blood on the ground.

  He rushed up the stairs and got the manual ventilator out of the dead walker's throat, ordering me to keep Glenn still.

  I held him down and closed my eyes. I suddenly got super dizzy, but I just sat there, one hand on Glenn's shoulder and the other on his opposite elbow. Hershel helped Glenn and as soon as I could, I tried to get up, but I was stopped by a wave of dizziness. I gave up on that and opted on just crawling towards the stairs. I saw a walker slowly making it's way towards the stairs with me in it's sights.

My arms gave out and I layed on my stomach at the top of the stairs, clutching onto my knife. I got ready to defend myself, but never got the chance due to the fact that I heard four gunshots and glass shatter, followed by a huge crash and a string of shots outside.

  I looked up and saw the walker dead on the stairs and Hershel in a little office with a shotgun. Maggie ran to the stairs and when she saw me, she sprinted up and knelt next to me.

By the time she was up the stairs, Hershel had already went to get the bag from Henry. He climbed onto the chainlink fence thing that Henry landed on and fought to get it from the walker.

"Daddy!" Maggie yelled and ran down the stairs again to shoot it.

"Don't! You could hit the bag, we need it for Glenn!" Hershel said, still struggling.

She concentrated and shot after a moment of silence, then Hershel grabbed the bag and got back into the second floor.

"Where is he?!" She asked and he looked down.

"Up here, cell 100." He replied.

She ran up and I pushed myself onto my hips, sitting up and pointing towards Glenn. She ran over and rolled him onto his side, blood poured down his face and Hershel stumbled in to help. He knelt down and disinfected the bag, then cleared Glenn's airway and put the tube in, pumping it so he could breathe. I got up and stood, immediately feeling dizzy. I started to sway and I stepped back a bit, forgetting that I was at the top of the steps. My heart felt frozen as I fell back and tumbled down the metal stairs, hitting my head at the bottom and blacking out. I didn't scream. I was just so weak that I let it happen.

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