One of us

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Everyone sat in the block around Beth, who was singing a song. I stood with Hershel, Rick and Daryl.

"Some reunion huh?" Daryl asked.

"She's in a jam." Rick said.

"We all are." Hershel said. "Andrea's persuasive. This fellas armed to the teeth."

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"We match it." Rick said. "I'm going on a run." Rick said. I stood up straight.

"I'll head out tomorrow." Daryl volunteered

"No, I need you here to watch your brother." Rick said. "I'm glad you're back, really, but if he causes a problem it's on you." I looked over to Merle who was on the opposite side of the room. I wanted to volunteer, but it seems like every time I go out, I get in some sort of trouble.

"I'll take Michonne too." He nodded his head towards Michonne, who was sitting on the floor.

"Is that a good idea?" Hershel asked.

"We'll find out." Rick answered and sighed. "And Carl. He's ready. You hold down here."

"You got it." Daryl said. Rick turned and walked into a cell to put Judith down and I walked over and sat next to Carl.


Carl, Rick and Michonne had already left and I was in my cell all morning.

I was sitting on my bed with my bag right next to me and I pulled out a rag and a water bottle, wetting the rag. I ran it over my arms and legs to clean myself off and once I was happy with it, I got up, got changed and went downstairs.

I got out a bowl and filled it with Cheerios, but no milk. After eating, I went outside and stood behind a wood pallet with a rifle.

I scanned the perimeter through the scope and saw nothing, so I went back in. Glenn went outside for watch duty just as I was walking inside. I wasn't on watch, but no one was out there while I was, so I just wanted to check. While I was on my way in, I picked up a heavy piece of flat metal.

I into my cell and took out my bent knife, putting it on the table. I took out the metal and started to pound on the knife to straighten it out. I started to develop a rhythm and I started to sing and eventually I got done pounding the metal and just singing. I layed down and closed my eyes while still singing softly.

  I heard footsteps and opened my eyes, seeing Beth walk up the stairs. I stopped singing and I sat up.

  "Hey." I waved.

  "Hi. You have a beautiful voice." She smiled, slowly walking into the doorway.

  "Thanks. I don't sing too often. I used to sing a lot, but it's like the light has burnt out and singing is pretty much the last thing that crosses my mind lately." I said, looking down. "I don't know why I've been singing so much today."

"Hope? Maybe." She smiled and left my cell, walking to Judith. I got up and followed her, holding my hands out to hold Judith. She handed her to me and I smiled, looking at her fondly.

I swayed back and forth and bounced her a bit. "I always wanted a kid. My fiancé and I would talk about kids all the time. I was actually pregnant once, but I had a miscarriage a few months before the wedding." I said, I felt a lump forming in my throat. "Her name would have been Georgia." I laughed sadly.

"I'm sorry." She said. I nodded and gave Judith back to her, taking in a deep breath.

I looked down and saw Daryl looking at me. He glanced away when I saw him, then he looked back and I smiled.

He was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, watching everything, because he was in charge while Rick was gone.

I sighed and sat down in my cell again, pulling out my gun and checked how many bullets were in it. It was empty, so I filled it and put the safety on, then put it back in my belt.

I walked downstairs and stood next to Daryl, who wrapped an arm around my waist, and I leaned on him. I smiled and started to sing to myself again.

I heard the cellblock door open and close and I saw Rick walk in smiling, followed by Michonne and Carl. Michonne was holding a colorful cat thing that made me smile when I saw it. I walked up to Rick once he was close.

"So?" I asked, wondering why he was smiling.

"I think she's one of us." He said. That made me smile too.


It's a stupid ending, I'll probably fix it when I'm going through and editing later.

Update: I didn't.
Update pt2: I still didn't
Update pt3: haha still didn't


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