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My eyes opened to reveal blurred vision. A bright light shone down on me and my eyes wander to a man in my peripheral vision.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" The man said, putting his cold fingers on my neck to check for a pulse. I wasn't on the road anymore. I felt my heart race and my breathing quicken as my eyes darted around the roof in a panic.

I moved my head to get a better look around as my eyes cleared. I felt a cold table beneath, but sweat was dripped down the side of my face. Against to protests of the two people on either side of me, I sat up.

"Where am I?" I asked, panicked.

"Terminus. Sanctuary for all, community for all." The man to my left said. "I'm Alex."

"Melody", I nodded and replied.

I swung my legs off the table and stood up, realizing I had a robe on and looked around for my clothes. I found my clothes on a desk in the corner of the room and walked over to grab them. The contents of my pockets: my gun, knife, pictures and ring were with the clothes. I took off the robe right there, not caring about the other men in the room and got normal clothes on.

I looked down and realized that my right hand was properly bandaged, my face showing my confusion. I examined the rest of my body and noticed that I had been cleaned up and I could see the full extent to my wounds.

"How did you get those? Were they bad people?" Alex asked.

"They deserved what they got." I started for the door, but speechless Alex called out for me to wait. I stopped and looked back.

"We haven't properly introduced you to the place yet. We aren't hiding much, but the welcome wagon is much nicer. Follow me." He stepped out in front of me and led the way to a place with tables and a lady who was cooking meat on a grill.

"Fix her a plate, Mary." 'Mary' nodded and flipped the meat, then put it on a plate.

I took the food and just stared at it. I wasn't hungry and I realized I had become numb. A man in riot gear stood by the tables facing away from me.

"Glenn?" I asked, walking forward a bit. The man turned around, revealing that it wasn't Glenn. I noticed a poncho and an orange backpack similar to mine as well. My confusion became evident and I turned to Alex.

"My friends, Glenn and Maggie, are they here?" I asked.

He sighed and looked at me upset. "No, I don't believe so." He lied.

"Please.. they're all I have left. Are they here?" I asked again.

"I don't know." He breathed, "but those names do sound familiar and even if they were here, I can't take you to them now." I let out a disappointed sigh and took out my gun. I grabbed a random guy that was walking past and put the gun to his head. I didn't want to kill anyone else, but the numbness took over and made it feel completely normal.

"Don't make me do this." I said lowly. Alex panicked and a sniper man revealed himself on the roof.

"Take me to them." I demanded. He nodded and I let the man go, then followed him to a section the the place that said "A". I smelled a horrid smell and we walked past a large fenced in area that had bones and organs spread out.

  I held my gun tighter as a precaution, causing it to make a faint sound that he heard. His fear of my weapon made him take off running.

  "No! Please, I was just making sure-" I yelled after him, but he ran through a door and shut it behind him. Suddenly someone started shooting at my feet and I ran the opposite direction towards some train cars. There was one on each side of a courtyard; one a bit smaller than the other.

  Someone appeared on the roof followed by multiple snipers. I sighed and dropped my gun, putting my hands up.

  "Look, I'm tired and I just want to find my friends." I shouted up to the man.

  "Okay, you can rest in the train car and you can find your friends later." He said, talking to me like I was a five year old.

  "Please don't lie to me. Kill me if you want, but don't lie to me." I rolled my eyes and he looked down.

  "I'm not going to kill you. Not yet." He said just loud enough for me to hear. "Drop your weapons!" He ordered. I took out my knife and dropped it on the ground in front of me, eyeing the designs on the handle and blade.

  "Good. Now walk to your right... and enter the train car." I hesitated, then did as he said and opened the door, stepping into the darkness.  The door immediately shut behind me and I jumped at the sound.

  "Melody?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned and tears welled up in my eyes.

  "John?" I breathed and he ran up and hugged me. I hesitated, then wrapped my arms tightly around him and let out a sob.

  "I found them. My family- Michonne and Daryl too. I f-found them and I was with them for a night... a terrible night. But then we went into the woods and we got separated. Daryl he... I-I don't know if he's alive." I sobbed. He nodded and held me tighter. I heard someone taking steps behind him and I reached for my knife that wasn't there anymore.

  "Who's that?" I asked, looking down and realizing that I had nothing to defend myself.

  "A friend." John said, as a girl crept out from the shadows of the train car. She looked shy, but she was tall. Her long blonde hair was tangled and in a high pony tail that was pushed over her shoulder. I smiled at her and she looked at the ground.

"We have to find a way out. Glenn and Maggie, I saw their things outside at the front." I said to John. He nodded and we heard gunfire.

"I've been here for a few days. This keeps happening. I'm not sure how many they have at this point." He explained. I nodded and walked to the door of the train car, looking through the crack. I saw something reflecting in my eyes and I squinted.

I heard mumbling, but I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying. One by one, they started walking to the opposite train car and when the last person had left, I stepped back and slouched against the wall.
We need to get out of here.



Written- 2017?
Edited- February 2019
April 26 2019
May 27 2019
Published- September 27ish 2019

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