Finding a new home

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8 months later

Rick kicked through the door of a house. We'd been in the same area for about 8 months. Lori's stomach is huge and she could potentially pop any day now.

There were two walkers inside and Rick shot one with his silenced gun and T-dog stabbed another. A few of us entered the house and cleared it, then searched for food. This is what we'd been doing for what seemed like forever.

After it was clear, we went and got the rest of the group, bringing them inside. Daryl walked down the steps with a dead owl, plucking the feathers out of it. I frowned because owls were my favorite bird.

We stayed pretty much quiet and I set my bag down, pulling out a granola bar and some chips. I gave the chips to Lori and ate the granola bar myself. I'd gotten used to eating as little as a granola bar each day.

  Carl walked in and sat down, setting down two cans of dog food. We watched him with hopeless eyes. He grabbed a can opener and opened one can, then Rick walked over and pick up a can.

  He looked at the can and grew angry, throwing it towards the fireplace. A few of us jumped at the sudden noise.

  Everyone sat silent and miserable.

  "Psst." T-dog pointed outside to about 8-10 walkers and we hurried to grab our stuff and run out the back door.

  We ran to the cars, stuffing our things inside and got into the cars. I got in Rick's car and Daryl led the way on his bike.

  No one bothered to kill any walkers, we just drove away.

  After we were far enough, we stopped and Maggie took out a map. We all huddled around it and tried to figure out where we could go.

  "We got no place left to go." T-dog started.

  "When this herd meets with that one, we'll be cut off." Maggie pointed to two red circles on the map. "We'll never make it south."

  "What would you say, that was about 150 head?" Daryl joined us.

  "That was last week. Could be twice that by now." Glenn said.

  "This river could have delayed them." Hershel pointed at the map. "If we move fast, we could have a shot to tear right through there."

"Yeah but if this group joins with that one, they could spill out this way." T-dog said motioning to places on the map.

  "So we're blocked." Maggie said.

  "The only thing to do is double back in 27 and swing to Greenville." Rick said.

  "We already picked through that, it's like we spent the winter going in circles." I sighed.

  "I know. At Newnan we'll push west, we haven't gone through there yet. We can't keep going house to house. We need to find someplace to hike up for a few weeks." Rick said, looking at Lori.

  "All right. Is it cool if we get to the creek on the way out? We need to fill up on water, we'll boil it later." T-dog asked Rick. We split up and put the map away.

  "Knock yourself out." He answered.

Hershel stayed behind to talk to Rick, probably about Lori, then walked away and Rick and Daryl went into the woods.

  I got in the car and waited silently for them to come back to we could leave. But when he did come back there was a smile on his face.

  He huddled the group together and pointed in the direction that he had come from.

  "We found a prison. It looks safe if we can clear it out." He then proceeded to give us a game plan on how to clear it and and who does what.

  After all of that we drove our cars to the front gates of the prison and got out.

  My jaw dropped and I felt happiness for the first time in months.

  There were a few buildings with double fences all around it and a huge field in front. There were also about 4 watchtowers.
The plan was to clear out the field first and shut the gate on the other side, then try to do the rest tomorrow.

  We walked around to where the double fences left off on one side and Rick started to cut the fence with wire cutters and the rest of us killed nearby walkers.

  He got in and we followed while Rick and Daryl held it open. After we were all inside, Glenn and Daryl sealed it up with more wire.

  We ran to the front and Daryl opened the fence, keeping his crossbow up in case anything happened. Lori was holding her stomach the entire time and I felt bad.

  "It's perfect. If we can shut that gate and prevent more walkers from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers and take the field by tonight." Rick said.

  "So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel asked.

  "I'll do it, you guys cover me." Glenn volunteered.

  "No. Suicide run." Maggie protested.

  "I'm the fastest." Glenn said.

  "No. You Maggie and Beth stay over there and attract as many walkers as you can. Pop 'em through the fence. Daryl, go back to the other tower. Carol you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel. You, Carl, take this tower. I'll run to the gate." Rick ordered and everyone split up.

  "And me?" I asked.

  "Cover me while I run." He said. I nodded and walked with him to the fence. Lori got ready to open the fence for us. Rick nodded and she opened it, then closed it once we were through. There was a car in front of it, so we snuck around it and Rick made a break for it, shooting any close walkers.

  An arrow went through a walker that was next to Rick and he looked up, grateful.

  I started shooting walkers that weren't going to the fence. Once Rick got to the gate, I stood behind him, shooting any walker that got close, and then some.

  There were too many walkers and we were getting surrounded, so once the fence was closed, we ran into the tower that was right next to the fence.

  We got to the top and Rick laughed. I started shooting walkers and after about a minute, they were all down.

  "We did it." I laughed and hugged Rick. I cheered and he laughed.

  "Lets go." I said, going back down the steps and running out the door.

  "We haven't had this much space since we left the farm!" Carol said, spinning around.

  Everyone was smiling and laughing.

  "Whoo!" T-dog cheered. I sighed and I couldn't stop smiling, but the thing was that I didn't want to stop.


Should I make a sappy moment with Daryl?


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