The search

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  (just assume it's always going to melody unless I say otherwise)

I woke up early the next morning to go help look for Sofia. I went out with Daryl, Rick, and pretty much everyone except for Dale and T-dog.

Daryl was leading the way, tracking her down. After a while of following Daryl, we heard bells.

  "That could be Sofia!" Carol exclaimed, hope filling her eyes.

  "Or she could hear them and follow the sound." Daryl said, pointing in the way the bells came from.

  We all started running before the sound stopped and we found a small church in the middle of nowhere. It was a small cabin-like, white building made of wood, and there was a small cemetery next to it.

  "There's no steeple." Andrea pointed out.

  Daryl went to the front of the church with Rick and a few others and the rest of us followed closely behind. They opened the doors and took out a few walkers that looked like they were at a church service.

  Just then the bells started ringing again. Glenn ran outside, went up to the side of the church and we found a speaker. He ripped the source of the sound out of the wall.

  I saw Andrea looking at some of the head stones as I was walking back into the church.

  It reminded me of the church I was supposed to get married in. I walked up to Lori and Carl who were praying. Carol was also praying, but I missed most of it. The last thing I heard was her asking for her baby to be safe.

  I sat down and started praying softly to myself. I hung my head down.

  "Hey... I know I don't do this enough.. and I'm not even so sure you're still up there, seeing as how the world is the way it is now. But keep us safe and keep Sofia safe. Help us find her please... we're all so worried about her and you're just tearing Carol apart. Please.." I squeezed my eyes real quick and sat up, opening them back up. Lori had just gotten done with her prayer too, so we got up and started to head out.

  The sun was directly overhead and we established that most of the group would head back while three of us stayed. It was Rick, Shane and I.

  Carl was begging Lori to come along as well and she looked at Rick for approval. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

  Carl leapt in excitement and followed us out the opposite direction of the rest of the group.

  Eventually we got pretty far and we were about to turn back when Carl spotted a dear.

  Shane brought up his rifle about to shoot it, but Rick stopped him. Carl started to slowly walk up to the dear. Everything was quiet and the sun's rays were pouring through the leaves.

  Carl reached his hand out and the dear's head peeked up, it's ears adjusting as if it had heard something else. I smiled slightly.

  Just then we heard a loud gunshot. Carl was on the ground as well as the dear. Shane was running, Rick was running. I was frozen. Rick was screaming and we saw a big man run out from where he was hiding in the bushes. His eyes widened. I couldn't control my body anymore and tears stung my eyes.

  Rick picked up Carl and I was suddenly in control of my body again. I ran up to Rick, Shane, Carl and the man.

  "I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" The man sobbed out.

  "I-I-I live, o-over that way! There's a man! H-Hershel. He'll help your boy!" He pointed towards where he came from. Rick started running and I followed, Shane stayed with the man, holding a gun to his back and making him follow.

  Rick was holding Carl across his chest. He ran as fast as he could. After a little while we made it to a huge field.

  "Which way!" Rick shouted to the man who was panting behind us.

  "Keep going! Straight ahead!" He pointed infront of us.

  He started muttering things like "I didn't know" and "I'm sorry"

We scaled a hill and came across a large house. There was a small fence that we were coming up on and I ran ahead and opened it for Rick.

A girl was on the porch with binoculars and she brought them down and yelled for her dad.

We ran up to the porch and an old looking man rushed up and asked, "Is he bit?" He stood, keeping the rest of his family behind him.

"Shot!" Rick said, panicked.

  "By one of your men!" I chimed in, pointing at him. A lady in the back gasped.

  "Please.. you got to help him!" He said, adjusting Carl in his arms.

The man hesitated and then let us in, walking quickly past his family, Rick ran in after him.

He laid Carl on a bed in a room next to their dining room.

They were all shouting for sheets and pillow cases and I had to step out.

I sat on the floor next to the wall, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

I jumped up when I heard the door open and Shane rushed in, the man trailing slowly behind.

A few people that lived here stopped him. The one lady that looked older than the rest rushed up to the man.

The girl we saw on the way in was still with Carl and another girl that looked about 16 came down the stairs. She held a bundle of sheets in her hand as she ran to the bedroom.

I felt my eyes grow heavy and I decided on sleeping against the wall. I slumped down on the floor and closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep right away so I prayed for Carl. It wasn't a long prayer, but it made me feel a bit more assured about our odds.


I'm so sorry, this chapter was probably very repetitive and boring, but I'm trying. At this point I'm just trying to speed it up a bit. I'm going to make it more interesting and Daryl is going to become less like himself. I know he's not a sappy and emotional person in the first and second seasons, but I'm going to make him have feelings😂


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