Cellblock Quarantine

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  I woke up to the sound of miserable sickness. That's the only way I could describe it. I was laying on a bed in a dark and cold cell. It wasn't mine.

  I sat up slowly, careful not to hurt my pounding head and I saw Hershel walk past my cell.

  "Hershel." I croaked out, immediately coughing after. He walked in with a bandana on and sat me up all the way, telling me to breathe. He didn't have his crutches anymore, but he had a prosthetic leg that we had found for him on a run.

  "You need to take it easy. You could have died out there if you hadn't gone unconscious." He said. I stopped coughing and took a deep breath.

  "What's wrong with me?" I asked.

  "You're sick. You're also among the few lucky ones. Most have died over night, but you've stuck through it for over two days. Daryl said the you seemed sick the other day?" He questioned.

  "Well, I couldn't focus and there was definitely something wrong, but I wasn't coughing." I said.

  "Well it's different for everyone." He explained.

  "Dr. S." We heard a voice say from outside of the cell.

  "We have to tell them.. it's starting." Dr. S said to whoever was outside. Hershel walked out and I stood up, seeing Sasha wobbling towards an empty cell. I locked eyes with her and she looked shocked to see me here. 

  "You're under quarantine too?" She asked. I nodded my head and looked down.

  I leaned on the bed and sat down, looking in a mirror that was in the corner of the cell. My skin was gray and my eyes were sunken in. My hair was pulled back and extremely greasy and sweat was dripping down my face.

  I layed back down and rested my hand on my forehead, feeling it burn under my skin.

  After about an hour of me just laying there, trying to get comfortable, I heard voices outside and I got up. I walked out of my cell, leaning on every pole I passed to stay balanced. I was three cells away from the door, and once I got there, I saw Tyreese's back turned towards me and Daryl talking to him. I locked eyes with Daryl and his expression changed.

  I couldn't read him well, but I gave him a sad look and turned to walk back. Once they had left, I heard the door open and a new batch of people walked in, then the door shut... then opened and shut again and I saw Lizzie slowly walk in. I went over it her and immediately hugged her and she started crying. Outside I saw Carol crying as well.

  I walked around and went up the stairs to see the new people, then spotted Glenn. I walked into the cell he was in and he looked at me with sad eyes. Like he couldn't believe he was in here.

He coughed into a rag and wiped sweat off of his face that was immediately replaced by more sweat. I sighed and slowly went back down the steps and saw Sasha stumble out of a small room with a window so you can talk to people.

She was sweating profusely and her eyes were red and sunken.

She pointed to the door that she had just come out of and coughed out, "Rick." I nodded and made my way to the room, seeing Rick on the other side of the glass.

He smiled and looked so upset that I was even in here.

"You look terrible." He laughed a bit. I smiled and nodded. I almost couldn't keep my eyes open, I felt so weak.

  "I feel terrible." I breathed out. He looked at me with sad eyes. "Please don't look at me like that.. like it's the end of the world that I'm sick. The end of the world happened a long time ago. And I'll get through this.. I'll fight it." I said, coughing at the end. I gave him a smile, despite the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"It should be me in there." Rick said, not making eye contact.

"Hey, no it shouldn't. All hell has broken loose and they need you out there now more than ever. We will all get past this." I said trying to get him to look at me.

  "Daryl is going out there right now with a few others. They're going to go get medicine for you guys. You're going to be okay." He said, standing up straight. "I have to go, because I'm needed out there, but I will be back when Daryl comes back. I nodded and he gave me one last smile, before turning and leaving. I coughed a bit and walked back into the cellblock. It was so dark and so cold, yet I was sweating.

  I heard people everywhere coughing and I looked into one of the cells to see Dr. S laying down and coughing. I felt like I had lost all hope. Who knows when Daryl will get back and the only other doctor we have right now is Hershel, who we can't risk getting sick.
  I sat on my bed and Lizzie walked in.

  "Hey." I held my hand up weakly, acknowledging her presence.

  "I'm scared." She said immediately. I looked at her and she didn't look as sick as the rest of us, but she didn't look too good either.

  I held my arms out and she walked up and wrapped her arms around my waist. I put my hand on her hair in an attempt to calm her.

  Lizzie pulled away and smiled a bit, nodding as a thank you. I got up when I heard the door open and close, seeing Hershel walking in. I gave him a hopeful look and he shook his head, saying that the medicine wasn't here yet. My face dropped and he walked through the cells, checking on people.

  What if I'm dead before Daryl gets back?


This is getting so boring. Sorryyyyy


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