Charokee rose

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  I felt someone gently shake me awake and I heard Daryl whisper my name. I didn't open my eyes right away, then I had an amazing idea to scare him and not respond.

  He shook me a bit more and I let my arm fall limp next to me. It took all I had to not smile.

  "Melody." He said a bit louder. I made my breathing quieter and he panicked a bit. I felt his head go to my chest to hear my pulse, then he picked up my arm and felt my wrist.

  "Hey, Melody!" He said louder, not shouting, but definitely not whispering. He shook me harder and I decided to stop messing around.

  "I'm fine." I opened my eyes and saw him pacing around. He turned towards me quickly and knelt down.

  "What the hell?! I thought you had died or something!" He said. I laughed and sat up, putting my hands up defensively and smiling all innocent.

  "I was still breathing." I said.

  "Don't give me that bull. You could've actually died. You shouldn't mess with that stuff." His face showed anger.

  "I'm sorry." I looked down. He huffed out a breath. "Would you have done it? Killed me.. again?" I asked.

"Let's hope we never have to find out the answer to that question." He shook his head and my heart fluttered.

"You're scared of me dying?" I asked, smiling amused.

  "You're brother would go off the deep end and probably kill me." He huffed. I nodded and chuckled.

  I got up slowly and grabbed two pills from my bag, swallowing them with water.

  "Come on, we need to get you looked at so you don't actually die." He waved me towards the entrance of the cell and we walked out and down the steps. Hershel met me at the bottom of the steps and we walked into his cell.

  "I feel fine Hershel." I said as he held a flashlight to my face and asked multiple questions. Daryl stood leaning at the entrance, facing out watching the baby.

  "You can't go on any runs for at least two weeks." He said and Daryl glanced in. My eyes widened.

  "Two weeks? What am I supposed to do then?" I asked. He shrugged and I sighed, getting up and walking out.

I saw Daryl walk out into the yard up to Carol's cross. We didn't find a body, so we just had the cross there.

He knelt down and set something on the cross. After that he stood up and started walking back. He saw me at the fence and paused for a second, then kept walking.

I turned my attention back to the cross and saw a rose on it. I smiled a bit, remembering the Cherokee rose that he gave her when Sophia went missing.

  I sighed and walked back to the cellblock and that they were eating. I sat down and got some oatmeal. After a few minutes, Rick walked in from the tombs all bloody.

  "Everybody okay?" He asked.

  "Yeah, we are." Maggie sat up. I looked over to Daryl who had a semi- alarmed expression.

  "What about you?" Hershel asked.

  "I cleared out the boiler block." Rick answered.

  "How many were there?" Daryl spoke up.

  "I don't know. A dozen. Two dozen? I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl." He put his hand on Carl's shoulder.

  "Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies. You don't have to." Glenn stood up.

  "No, I do." Rick said. "Everyone have a gun and a knife?" Rick asked, walking up to Daryl.

  "Yeah, but we're running low on ammo." Daryl said.

  "Maggie and I were planning on making a run this afternoon." Glenn said. I looked over to Rick with a worried look. I didn't want him to do something stupid or get hurt.

  "We cleared out the generator room. Axel's there trying to fix it in case of emergency." Daryl said.

  "Good. Good." Rick said, walking back into the tombs.

  "Rick!" I stood up in an attempt to stop him. He didn't stop, he just closed the door and walked away.

  Hershel got up a few minutes later and followed. I got up and walked up the stairs and into my cell. I sat on my bed and stared at the wall, thinking about life if none of this happened.

  I was startled back into reality by someone knocking on the wall in front of my cell. I looked over and sighed, seeing Daryl.

  "We're going to go clear out the lower levels. Wanna come?" He asked. I shook my head no.

  He walked in and sat on the chair. "What are you thinking about?" He asked. I shrugged.

  "What do you think life would be like if none of this happened?" I asked, looking over to him.

  "I think about that all the time." He said.

  "It would be so... boring." I looked over to him. He gave me a confused look. "I would have been married. I would live a normal, boring life. Sure I would be happy, but I wouldn't have met people from the group. You guys are my family now." I paused, trying to put it into words, "I mean, I would still obviously know Rick, Lori and Carl. But the baby probably wouldn't be here. Rick and I hardly used to talk and now we're always together. This whole end of the world thing is- it's terrible, but it brought me and my brother closer and I've formed more of a family than I've ever had or could have had. You know what I mean?" I finished my rant. He nodded and stood up straight.

"I'm glad I found this group." I said. My mind was all over the place. I probably wasn't making much sense.

"So you don't want to come with us?" He cleared his throat.

I shook my head. "Can't, doctor's orders." I shrugged, standing up. "You have fun though." I patted his shoulder, smiling as I walked out. I walked down the stairs and he followed, walking into the tombs with Oscar and Carl.


Ending here. I'm going to start to stray from the show just a bit.


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