The run

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I awoke to the zipper of my tent being opened, Rick standing in the opening.

"We're going into Atlanta today to go find someone. I didn't know if you would be okay staying or if you wanted to come, so I wanted to come in and ask before I volunteered you to go with us." He explained.

I widened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. "Okay." I murmured, sitting up.

"Okay what?" He asked.

"I'll go." I want to do something useful around here and not just sit here sleeping.

"Come out when you're ready." I nodded and he walked out. I got up and zipped the tent back up before anyone else could walk in, then went over to my bag and pulled out a grey shirt and threw on some black jeans and my black boots. I grabbed my extra bag with some granola bars, some other dry food, a knife, and a gun with some extra ammo. I stepped out of the tent and saw a very angry looking Daryl pass me, not even acknowledging me. He just brushed past me and I followed him at a reasonable distance, making my way to the truck where Rick was talking to Dale about guns and a bolt cutter.

  Daryl climbed in after me and made himself comfortable in the corner.

  "What happened?" I said lowly, not sure if it was my business.

"They left my brother on a roof. Chained to a roof to die." I looked up in shock.

"Your brother is Merle?" I asked. I had heard Rick and Shane talking about him. He nodded, letting out an exaggerated sigh of annoyance.

"So..." I didn't really know what I wanted to say.

"What?" He looked to me and I sort of just started talking.

"I know I have absolutely no place to be talking to you about this, I don't really know what else to say, but... I know how it feels. To lose your brother. To not know what happened to him." He just sat, keeping a steady glare at Rick and Dale. "I mean, if you need som-" he broke his stare when he turned and made his way to the front, leaning over the driver's seat and honking the horn.

"Come on, we gotta go!" He looked at me for a moment then faced the door, pulling it down. Right as the door covered my vision, I got a glimpse of Taylor tied to that tree. He was being fed some squirrel meat... He didn't deserve food.

  I turned and walked towards the front, sitting in a corner and closing my eyes.

  I awoke when we hit a bump, seeing Daryl across from me in another corner watching me. I jumped, rubbing my eyes and stretching. He quickly looked the other way and I shrugged it off, sitting up and turning towards the driver's seat.

  "How long until we get there?" I asked Rick, who was driving.

  "Only a few minutes. 10-15." I nodded, even though he didn't see me, and looked back at Daryl.

  "Why did you even come?" He asked in a low voice.

  "I wanted to help..." I said, looking down. I felt as if I wasn't wanted, and although I knew I shouldn't have taken it personally, it still hurt.

  I sighed at his inability to open up a little and thought about how things were going to go. The truck stopped and I looked to T-dog, who was smiling politely at me.

  "Lets go, we have a still quite a ways to go." Rick stepped out, followed by Glenn, T-dog, Daryl and finally me.

  I trailed close behind the four of them, watching my back and keeping a lookout. Daryl made his way to the front with his crossbow aimed forward, in case anything or anyone were to come out of no where. I however, stood in the rear, knife in hand and prepared to take care of anything that came from behind.

  As we approached a big building with a shop at the bottom, Rick stopped us. He motioned to an ally way and we all made our way up a ladder on the side of the building. That took us to the third floor and into a store that had one of those freaks in it. I made a disgusted face and Daryl looked back before taking it out with an arrow and whispering some thing I couldn't hear.

  He walked up and took the arrow out of the freaks head before we went into a stairwell, making our way to the roof. The door was locked with a chain and T-dog took the bolt cutters and broke it off. Once the lock hit the floor, Daryl pushed past the door and ran to the roof. I didn't go up right away, until I heard Daryl scream out.

I got onto the roof and found Daryl crying and screaming, pacing around. Everyone else stood in shock at the sight.

Next to the pipe and empty handcuffs sat a hand and blood splattered around the horrific scene.


I love you all, vote please!<3

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