Storm before the calm

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My eyes widened and I looked up at Rick fighting with Joe, but Joe was winning. Rick was on the ground and Michonne took a risk and tried to hit the guy next to her, but he punched her and pointed the gun at her again. Joe picked Rick up and held him tightly, facing him.

  The man on top of me stopped for a second but then resumed what he was doing as soon as he saw that Joe was 'handling it'. He continued groping my body as Rick struggled in Joes arms. The man unbuttoned my pants and began to put his hand under the seam, pulling at it. I let out sobs as his fingers connect with the skin on my stomach and I sucked in more to avoid them.

  "What are you going to do now, Huh?" Rick stayed still like he was thinking of a solution that could save us all. At least I hoped it would save us all. A moment passed and he bit into Joe's neck with no hesitation. Joe looked shocked and he let go of Rick. Everything was silent for a moment and everyone stared at him with fear in their eyes. Michonne saw her chance and she took it, turning back to the guy and turning his hand around to shoot him with his own gun. Rick spit out the blood and skin from biting Joe and I looked away.

  I took the opportunity to fight back with the man that was holding me. I lifted my body and lifted him as well. My hands were bleeding, one much more than the other, but I pushed him off anyway.

I stood up and punched him in the jaw with my left hand, wincing at the pain that sent a shock through my wrist. He stumbled back and positioned his knife in his hand as adrenaline took over my actions and I braced myself for his retaliation. He lunged towards me and I grabbed his hand, twisting it and pushing it into his own stomach, earning a painful groan from him. He began making an attempt to speak or make some sort of noise, but it only came out as a gurgle. I dropped him and turned to the people that were still beating up Daryl. My mind has checked out after I'd murdered the man that had me and my body took over as I grabbed a gun from the man who was once holding me and shot one of them in the back of their shoulder, my aim being off because I wasn't used to my left hand. He yelled out and took out his own gun, aiming it at me, but I shot just before he did and the bullet went into his neck. His shot went right next to me and hit my hair that was hung over my shoulder. My eyes widened in shock, knowing that if the bullet had only went a few inches closer, I'd be dead.

  Daryl got up, beating the other guy and he slammed his head into the ground repeatedly. I could hear the sound of his skull slamming into the road and I winced.

  Michonne pointed her gun at the man with Carl and he picked Carl up, holding a knife to his neck.

  "I'll kill him, I'll-I'll kill him." Carl was still crying and Michonne tensed and dropped her hands a bit in a combination of fear and anger for Carl. Rick got up and walked towards Carl and the guy. I looked at Daryl in fear and confusion and he held his hand out to me. I hesitantly took it and he gently pulled me behind him, but I kept watching Rick.

  The man dropped his knife and threw Carl to the ground, who ran to Michonne while Rick approached the guy. He ran his knife through the guy's stomach repeatedly, then shoved the knife upward, gutting him. I heard the gurgles of the blood and his screams and I turned my head the other way. I didn't hold onto Daryl and when he touched my shoulder; instead, I flinched and turned away. I didn't want to be scared but I was terrified.

  "I'm sorry." I whispered.

  "Hey, it's not you're fault. You don't have to be sorry." He said reassuringly. I nodded and started to walk away.

  It was starting to get lighter out and I was still speechless at what had happened. I didn't know where I was going; I was just walking, making sure I was staying remotely close to Rick. As soon as everything happened, I just left. No words, I just walked away. No one stopped me, I mean, Daryl put his hand on my arm and I stopped for a second, but I didn't look back. I just took a breath I walked away.

  I held my knife tight in my hand and came across a river. I crouched next to it and put my knife down on the shoreline. Without a thought, I took off my shoes and clothes and dipped my feet into the cool water. The water ran against my skin and took all of the built up dirt and blood on my body with it. After I scrubbed the excess dirt off with my fingernails, I stood in the 4 foot water for a while. I felt a sense of calm fill me as the water smoothly massaged my skin. It felt good against my scabbed over arms and hands. I closed my eyes and breathed in, taking in the moment.

  I opened my eyes and stepped out of the river, shaking myself off and putting my hair up. I reached into my bag and pulled out some clean clothes. I slowly put my clothes on, pulling on a pair of knee length cargo shorts and putting on a belt that was secured tightly. I was still paranoid, so I took duct tape out of my bag and wrapped it around the belt buckle, pulling on it to ensure it's security. I took my shirt off of a branch it was hanging on and bundled it up, then slipped on a new one. I air dried mostly, but the remaining water was dried off with a spare t-shirt I had in my bag.

  I slipped on my jacket last and slung my bag back over my back, heading back to the car.

I took in a deep breath and as I did I felt a knot form in my throat. Tears pooled in my eyes and grief filled me as I dropped to my knees, letting my bag fall off my shoulders. I let out sobs and tried to breathe through my outburst.

I'd just killed two people.

The thought echoed in my head as I realized what I had done and I let out hoarse cries.

As I steadied my breathing I reminded myself that they were horrible, disgusting people and they didn't deserve to be here. But the thought of taking someone's life away still tugged at my mind, even though they deserved it. Eventually, I got up and silently made my way back to the car.

  Once I got to the edge of the woods, I stopped for a moment. Rick and Daryl were sitting against the car talking. I hesitantly moved forward quietly, walking around the back of the car. On the other side of the car was the blood from some of the men, so I opened the door and sat in the drivers side. Michonne put her finger to her lips and motioned to Carl, who's eyes were closed. I nodded and pulled the door shut gently. I leaned my head on the window and pulled my legs up next me on the seat.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the calming silence. The only thing I could hear were Daryl and Ricks muffled voices outside of the car, but I was too tired to make any words out of it. I took a breath and drifted into sleep.

Filler chapter while I don't have wifi.

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