Chapter 1- Loneliness

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Hey, this is my first book so please go easy on me.


"I want to protect the person important to me... I want to work for that person. I want to fight for that person. I want to make that person's dream come true... That is my dream," I quoted along with my favorite Naruto character with a broad smile.

I was about to quote some more lines when suddenly I heard my name being called.

"Alyssis! (AL-IH-SEES) Young Mistress!"

I groaned loudly as I paused the episode, however I didn't bother to answer.

I watched as the door handle jiggled a little before finally turning 180 degrees to open my black mahogony door that was adorned with ninja scrolls and messily drawn pictures of ninjas. The door creaked as it was opened to reveal a short middle aged woman with jet black, waist length, wavy hair, blright blue eyes, and crows feet by her eyes. She was wearing a standard maid outfit with navy blue flats and a pair of white gloves.

"Yessss, Miss Anne," I drawled out in an exasparated tone, which only made her raise an eyebrow at me.

"Do I hear sas, young mistress?" she asked me while impatiantly tapping her foot, which meant that she wanted an answer then and there.

"Sorry, Miss Anne, it's just that you interrupted me in watching Naruto," I whined out.

"Mhm," she said while putting her hands on her waist. "Naruto will be there and waiting, but your food will not stay hot."

I groaned again.

"May I please just finish this episode?" I asked.

"No," was her answer.




"No, and my answer is final," she said; her stern gaze on me not wavering even for a second.

I crossed my arms and puffed out my cheeks. "Fine."

I got up and out of my black, victorian style, canopy bed in almost a slow motion fashion, and straitened out my navy blue sundress.

"Hurry up, young mistress," nagged Miss Anne.

"Hurry up, young mistress," I mentally mocked which was accompanied by a mental image of Naruto doing his chicken dance when he was mocking Anko.

I snorted as I tried to hold in my laughter.

"I'm coming," I said then walked oout of the door and into one of the looooooooonnnnggggg hallways that help to make up my home.

I trudged along and dragged my feet along while complaining to myself.

I could have been watching the epic fight between naruto and Haku right now, but Miss Anne just had to ruin it. I should use Ice release on her. Dinner can wait. It's not like HE will come to dinner anyway.

I puffed out my cheeks again and stuck my hands in the pockets of my dress as I gazed around this neverending hallway, but stopped when I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror.

I have an unatural color of navy blue for my shoulder length hair, and blue eyes to match, with a heart shaped face and what Miss Anne discribes as woman lips. I also have a rather pointed nose, which I despise of myself and a beauty mark on my bottom lip which was very unnoticeable.

In my opinion I looked like the female version of Ciel Phantomhive.

I scowled at my reflection for it was the spitting image of my mother, the woman who I never got to meet.

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