Chapter 6- One Hell of a Sister

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I directed my gaze toward the arch in the wall and my eyes widened. There stood a male version of Alyssis.

'This is going to be interesting.'

"And who might you be?" asked the young earl.

I got up. Time to be creative.

"My name is Annabeth, and I have no affiliation with my birthright," I said as I bowed out of respect. It is true, after my 7th arrest, my family disowned me, and very rarely I use my last name. "My brother and I have came in disparity for your help to locate our dearest sister."

I then produced a picture of Alyssis in cosplay as a female Ciel with an evil glint in my eyes.

Ciel became flabbergasted.

Ah, it seems as if we are beyond the Jack the Ripper arc.

"Where did you get this from?" he asked as he clutched the picture in his hand.

"It's a picture of my little sister Alyssis," I said in a fake innocent voice. "This is why we came to you. She is your female counterpart, as I like to say."

"Young master, may I have a look?" asked Sebastian. Ciel gave him the picture and he carefully examined it. "It might appear so, young master, that this is not you. It is indeed female."

Ciel just waved him off and turned towards us.

"And how do you know that she would have anything to do with me?" he asked.

"Because," I said as I approached him and give a glance to Sebastian, "Don't all contract holders stick together?"



This freaking woman is going to get our butts killed.



"How... How...?" asked Ciel as he stumbled back.

I smiled rather evilly and said, "I'm just one hell of a sister."

"Sebastian, prepare room for these two please. We must find my look-a-like," said Ciel., then he whispered, in which I could have hear anyway, "And find out who really these two are."

They both left the room, and I heard a slapping sound. I turned around to see Thomas face palming. I flashed him a huge smile and winked at him.

"Anne knows best."



Ice. Ice was everywhere. It was cold, dark, and wet where I was, and only light glimmers from the ice that surrounded me could have been seen. I was walking endlessly, not knowing where I was headed. Suddenly, I saw a silhouette pass in front of one of the icicles.

"Hey wait!" I shouted as I ran across the slippery terrain. The silhouette continued to walk. "Stop!"

I ran and ran until I came to this bright light. I ran strait through it and ended up completely surrounded with ice mirrors. I peered into the mirrors and gasped at my reflection. I had snow white hair, light blue eyes, two white fox ears on my head, and a fox tail with sharp claws for nails. My skin was pale and smooth, and my teeth were jagged, my pupils were slits and my clothes torn and ragged.

'What am I?' I thought then went to touch the mirror.

On contact, my reflection in the mirror disappeared and all of the other mirrors shattered into little ice particles. Suddenly, a person began to materialize inside the mirror. It was a woman. Then when she had fully materialize, I was thrown into a complete state of shock. The woman had short navy blue hair, dark blue eyes that sparkled like the ice, a heart shaped face, and a beautiful light blue kimono on.

She gasped when she saw me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked me frantically. "You aren't supposed to be here!" she said then performed a few hand seals. The mirror shattered and everything went black.

Drip. Drip. Drip.


I opened my eyes, and was greeted with darkness.

'What happened?'

I tried to get up, and realized that I was currently laying down on a cold hard floor.

Drip. A small drop of water landed on my forehead, and I looked up, and to my horror I saw a set of sharp, huge jagged teeth glimmering in the dark.

"OH MY JASHIN!" I screamed as I shot up and scurried back, only to hit something hard.

"Child, what are you afraid of?" came a beautiful and feminine voice. Then the whole place lit up to reveal an icy meadow filled with crystal pillars and ice columns, and the owner of the teeth became completely visible. It was a pure white fox with beautiful ice blue eyes, silky fur that flowed whenever a breeze blew by and was over 30 feet tall.

I sat there stunned with my back pressed on the bars, and before I knew it, a large blizzard began to for around the fox and immediately it began to transform her into something. When the small blizzard subsided, a woman could have been seen. She had ankle length white hair that flowed in the breeze, ice blue eyes that had slits for pupils, sharp canines, a silky smooth pure white tail with a touch of black to the tip, a sharp nose, perfect pink lips, and a pale complexion. she also had a perfect slender figure and was petite. She was beautiful. However, she was completely naked.

"Are you comfortable with me in this form?" she asked. Her voice is soooo beautiful. Like Spring's first day and all of the birds are singing , and the sun's soft rays beam on you, and when you pass the flowers, they seem to kiss you.

I stiffly nodded.

"Now tell me child, Is your name Alyssis or Mayuki?" she asked me.

I began to gape at her.

"How... How do you know my name?" I stumbled out.

"I was the one who gave them to you," she said, then began to walk towards me. As she walked, little icicles and crystals began to jut out in her wake. When she was close enough, she bent down to my level and stared me into my eyes. "You are my child." she said in a matter-of-factly tone then kissed my forehead and I blacked out.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I shot out of bed.

"What happened!" came a frantic Haku as he barged into my room armed with senbon.

I began to calm down. "Sorry, I just had a dream."

'I really hope so.'

"Okay, training starts in an hour," he said, then left.

I looked down at my trembling fingers. Was that really my mother?



??? POV

I deactivated my Leatogan. So she's finally found her way to me huh?


Yeah this one is really short but hey, I love this book. It's my first one, and my cousin/friend is helping me along. Soooooo thanks for reading.

Greetings from tea_ame Thanks for taking out the time to read my cousin's/friend's book, commenting good things, and voting for it. It really means a lot to both of us. Thanks again! Oh and I'm not editing this until later.

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