Anne Knows Best

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A baby's cries can be heard in the dark. It is so close to my memories, but so far that I, I cannot fathom to touch it.

I reach out, but I can never seem to grasp it. It has been like this for 27 years now. The same baby, the same cry, the same dream.

It was cold, too cold, like I was about to freeze over at any moment. However, the cold didn't bother me in the slightest. It was...enjoyable, as if I was to thrive in it.

I walked down the same dark path that I have been following for the past 27 years, every years after I turned 18. I sat on a white rose covered bench, the only thing that was visible in this thick darkness, and waited.

I hummed a little tune while I waited for my two guests.

Don't try

To live so wise

Don't cry

Cause you're so right

Don't dry

With fakes or fears,


"You will hate yourself in the end."

I jumped and looked up.


I smiled when I saw the figure in front of me. It was a little girl with neck length, snow white hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin and pale pink lips. She was wearing a light pink yukata and her hair was tied to the ends.

"Hello," I said with a closed eye smile. "Where's the other one?"

"He'll be here shortly," answered the girl.

"My, my," I said as I took a good look at her. "You've grown quite a lot from the last time I saw you."

"And you got old," came a masculine voice.

I looked behind the girl to see a boy walking with his hands behind his head and a huge smile plastered onto his face. He too had snow white hair, icy blue eyes, and pale skin. He was wearing a white male's yukata.

I shook my head. Whenever I would get sick, these two would visit me in my dreams. I don't know their names, where they came from, or why they're even here, but when I see them, I would feel instantly better.

I remember when I first saw them, they were two little children on the bench. They were two at the time. However, I remember that before my dreams diverted to this path with the single rose bench, there was a park with two babies laying on a blanket under a tree. I would walk up to them, and they would smile at me. about a year and a half later, I stopped having those dreams, and as soon as I turned 18, I began having them again. That was right after Alyssis was born and Avacci disappeared. Come to think about it, I stopped having those dreams when I turned 10, and they started again when I was 13, when Avacci arrived. Then, they stopped until I was 16, came back for a few months, then started again for every year after Alyssis was born, 3 months after my 18th birthday.


"Oh!" I said as I snapped out of my thoughts. "I was just lost in thought."

"It's okay," said the girl. "We all get lost sometimes, but we must always remember that there is going to always be someone to bring us back."

I nodded.

"Trust me, we will bring you back," she said while putting her hand on my shoulder.

"We promise," said the boy.

Suddenly, a bright light shone in my face and just like that, I was staring at my ceiling.

A wave of heat hit me like I was at Hell's gates, making me miss the cold air.

My mind flashed back at the two children.

"We'll bring you back."

What do they mean?

I rolled over and sighed.

Maybe this time, Anne doesn't know best.

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