Chapter 38- Plans

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Heyyyyyy guys.... hehehe.... I'm sorry! Don't kill me!

Anyway... The TEMPORARY ship name is MAKU, and it's temporary because I wanted you guy to come up with your ship name, not like my example. However, if you guys persist to want it, I will make the name MAKU permanent. Thank you!



Haku and I stood in front of Lord Hokage.

"What is the meaning of this, Haku? Why were you out of the village?" asked Iruka.

Lord Hokage put his hand up to silence him.

"Haku, why did you disobey my orders to stay away from Mayuki?" asked Lord Hokage in a quiet tone.

I stood there shaking, seeing as I was cold and wet. Haku. however, showed no emotions or that he was cold and wet. He just stood in front of the Hokage, unwavering.

"I missed her," he said.

With those three words, Lord Hokage sighed and shook his head.

"I guess I can let you off with a warning," said Lord Hokage with an exasperated sigh.

"What!" exclaimed one of the ANBU that brought us here. "You are giving him a warning when he blatantly disobeyed you?"

"I agree, Lord Hokage," said the female ANBU. "He left the village without permission, that should make him a rogue. He needs punishment, not a slap on the wrist."

I looked at her and glared. She stared back at me and crossed her arms.

"And you," she said. "What makes you so special that you are allowed leave the village to train?"

I just stared at her.

"Lord Hokage, you are letting these ninja into our village without knowing their true intentions. What if they were here to infiltrate us?" she asked.

"We are right here," I said.

"So what? Are you afraid that I am exposing your plans?" she retorted. "I saw you in the prelims. Are you even from the clan that you said you're from? What clan spits blood and it turns into crystal?"

"What?" I asked. I was getting fed up. "You scared of me? That even if there was a slim chance on me turning on the village, that you would be killed? Are you scared of my kekke genkai, or is it that you are scared of your ignorance towards my kekke genkai... or that you're just closed minded and stupid?"

"Mayuki," said Haku as he grabbed my hands.

"I'm not afraid of you," she seethed. "I just don't trust you or your boyfriend. You're from the bloody mist and as far as we are concerned, you are no good. Especially with that hair, ears and tail. You are a monster that is threatening our village. We already have that Naruto kid to..."


I don't know how, but I found the chakra and in a flash was in front of her.

Her blue eyes widened in shock as she held her now bare cheek. I had slapped her zebra mask off of her face and across the floor.

"Naruto is not the monster. If I hear you say that again..." I bared my sharpened teeth at her... "I'll turn into the monster that you fear and kill you."


I swiftly turned around and saw Lord Hokage with a 'straight' face on. Behind that tough exterior, I saw a glint of amusement and sadness.

"This has gone far enough, Mayuki... Chiyo," he said. "If they were a threat, I wouldn't have let them inside of the village. Don't you trust my judgement?"

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