Chapter 20- I wonder If They Knew

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 I woke up with a start. My chest was rapidly rising and falling as I breath g=hard, and my heart pounded against my chest. That dream... that dream was of the night my parents left me and died, but it was on a darker level. Some of those things didn't happen at all. I didn't belong there... I knew... They shouldn't have accepted me. I don't remember any of that happening at all. And those thoughts before I went to sleep in my dream... I just remembered going straight to sleep after calling Thomas.

I slid out of bed. I needed to call Thomas to tell him that I don't feel all too well. I know that we should be spending all the time we have looking for Alyssis, but I need to rest. I'm still not use to traveling to these crazy worlds. My bare feet padded across the hardwood floor as I made my way towards my father's old study. I inherited the Ashford Manor when I turned 18. I picked up the shiny red cordless phone and dialed Thomas.

"Hello," said a groggy voice after about four rings. My eyes shifted to the clock on the wall. It read 5:00.

"Hey. Tommy, I didn't realize the time," I said, my voice cracking from it being the first use of the day. "But, I can't come today. My body's tired and I'm imagining things."

"That's normal for you," he said in his sleepy voice.

"Shut up," I said with a small smile on my face. "But in all seriousness, I'm tired and I need to rest. We don't need my body shutting down like last time, do we?"

"Yeah, we searched for Avacci until your body gave up. I should have let you rest. I..."

"Thomas," I said, cutting him off. "Shut up."

"Right," he said. "Get some rest and stop imagining things."

"Yeah," I said then hung up the phone.

I rest the phone back on the charger and exited my father's study, which was a plain room that was painted brown with an oak desk in the middle and a swivel chair behind it.

I went into the kitchen which was huge due to the fact of my mother's love of having parties and would hire private chefs to come and cook the food.

I let my hand brush across the black marble counters as I hummed the theme song to Tokyo Ghoul. Lucky thing I didn't let Alyssis watch that one.

I prepared some Hot Chocolate while I continued to hum the song. When my hot beverage was done, I walked to the little table that I had set up by the window next to the front door. It had a wonderful view of the water fountain that somehow had magical powers to calm my mind. I looked out of the window and almost dropped my mug. I saw my parents talking "From the moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew we made a bad choice. No amount of money is worth bringing that thing in our home. Special or not," said my mother. I rested the cup down and rubbed my eyes. I looked out of the window again and saw an empty drive way with a fountain in the middle of it.

I got up from the table not even bothering to finish my hot coco.

'It was only a matter of time before they realized that the only way they can get away from me is to run.' 'Even though I was never theirs to begin with.'

The thoughts from my dream plagued my minds as I walked into my room. I needed some rest.

'I was never theirs' began to ring through my mind. What does that mean?

I need to rest.

Before I closed my eyes to let sleep take me over yet again, the thought 'I wonder if they knew that I knew,' echoed through my mind.




I darted through the thick trees of the forest. Otogakure was close by. Lord Orochimaru had summon me to see how my mission was going. I had to gain the trust of his new vessel and learn her secrets and weaknesses. I had finally gotten to Otogakure. It was a two days run, but it was worth it. I told my sensei that I was just heading over to the hot springs to meditate. As I was approaching the gates, I switched out my cloud headband for an Otogakure one.

I nodded to the guard and walked inside. I made my way to Lord Orochimaru's office which was held in a secret location, where only a few knew the way to it. Reaching my destination, I lifted my small hand to knock on the hard door, but before I could have, I heard, "Come in my child."

I entered the dimly lit room and stood in front of Lord Orochimaru. I bowed deeply to show my commitment to him.

"Ssssso, how issss your mission going, child?" he asked.

I was about to answer, when all of the sudden the door to the office flew open, and a man who was half frozen ran in. "Lord Orochimaru," he panted.

Suddenly, Lord Orochimaru was in front of him with the blade of a kunai pressing on his neck.

"What issss the meaning of thisssss?" hissed the snake master.

"I... I..." stammered the man who was sweating bullets and looked as if he was going to wet himself.

"Sssspit it out!" shouted Lord Orochimaru.

"I found a kitsune!" shouted the man. "A young one, about eleven or twelve. She had silver hair, for ears, a fox tail and emerald green eyes."

Lord Orochimaru slammed him to the wall, breaking off some of the ice that was on his body. "Liessssss, there isssss only one Kitssssune in this world, and I am one of the few to know of her exissscccstence."

"It's true," said the man. "She was the one who froze me."

"Well, if that isss sssso," said Lord Orochimaru. He then turned to me. "Child, I want you to capture her for me."

I gulped. "Me?" I said. "Are you sure?"

"Yessss, child." He then turned to the trembling man.

"Where wasssss she?"

"The last time I remembered, she was with some Konoha ninja and Zabuza."

"If that is sssso, then Konoha probably hasss her. Child, make sssssure your that ssssssensei of yoursssss allow you to take the chunin examssss."

I bowed. "Hai."

"You may go now," he said. "Oh, and don't fail me."

I exited his office and made my way back home. 'New mission huh?'



I was up all night watching over Mayuki. The bridge builder was quite understanding, even though I couldn't phantom why, and let us stay at his house. The konoha ninja except for the pink haired one who watched me and Mayuki were all sleeping.

"Is that your girlfriend?" asked the pinkette suddenly. "You look so fond of her, and when she thought that you had died, she lost it."

I just looked at her and smiled. "No, we just shared one common thing and became friends."

"You must love her a lot. You haven't slept all night."

"That's not it, I'm just not tired," I said. That was somewhat of the truth. I just can't risk losing the only thing I have again.

"You're not evil at all aren't you?" she asked while twirling her long pink hair with her fingers. "You were just being used by Zabuza."

I was at loss for words.

"Sakura-chan, leave the poor boy alone and help me with breakfast," said Tsunami as she poked her head through the door.

"I hope you come to the village with us. The Hokage is very nice, and maybe if you explained to him what happened, maybe he'll let you in the village and let you become a ninja," she said.


Sakura got up to leave, but before she left, she said one more thing. "Thank you for not aiming to kill Sasuke-kun even though you could have kill him if you wanted to."

I watched her as she left the room, leaving me to listen to the soft snores of Mayuki.

'Will they really accept us, Mayuki?'

My mind then drifted back to the fight with the Uchiha. Sakura was wrong; I couldn't kill him, especially after I felt the sting of having a friend taken from me. I looked at Mayuki again. I couldn't kill him even if I was being forced to.




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