Sasuke Knows Best

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In honor of Sasuke's July 23rd Birthday


Sasuke: Welcome to Sasuke knows best

Naruto: What the juice? How come you can have your own talk show?

Sasuke: Because I am not a loser like you.

Naruto: *Whines* Author-chaaaaaan

Starlestiale: Well, Sasuke's birthday just went by aaaannnndddd...

Naruto: *Makes an X shape with his hands* But he doesn't even talk that much. All he does is makes grunting noises and calls me a loser.

Starlestiale: Well when October 10th rolls around, you can have yours.

Naruto: Meh meh meh meh mehhhhhh *stomp off stage* *Yells from backstage* I'm gonna be Hokage and kick Sasuke's butt BELIEVE IT!

Sasuke: *Shuffles papers and clears throat* Anyway. Thank you Author-chan.

Starlestiale: No problem, Sasuke. Thanks for actually picking me to interview first.

Sasuke: Yes, that's because I have so many questions to ask of you.

Starlestiale: *Blushes*

Sasuke: Right after a word from our sponsers.

Deep voice (might be Itachi's... the world may never know): Sasuke Knows Best is brought to you by Ichiraku Ramen where we sell the best Miso Ramen you will ever taste in your life. Each plump and succulent noodle strand is caressed by the hands of a noodle master, and is bathe in a delicious savory sauce made out of not 11 but 12 herbs and spices. Come get your noodle on.

Starlestiale: *Eye twitches* wow

Sasuke: Anyway. Frozen in Time: A SASUKE Love story... What happened there?

Starlestiale: Well things happened, and I thought that there were too many Sasuke love stories out there, and wanted something original and fresh. So, I decided to go with Haku. Even though he died, he had many fans and like me, they would like to see him live on.

Sasuke: But what about me? I have fans too.

Starlestiale: You became a legend Sasuke. Your fans has so many things to contribute to their their fandom and little to no imagination is required to expand it and make it more exciting. Whereas the Haku Fandom, well, they are purely driven off of imaginationline.

Deep voice: Imaginationline, brought to you by the creators of Nopeline, Funeline and our host's favorite Revengeline.

Sasuke: Thank you deep voice.

Deep voice: No problem *whispers* little brother.

Sasuke: What?

Deep voice: Nothing.

Sasuke: Anyway, I heard from a few sources, that Mayuki was supposed to be from a wolf clan. That would be pretty epic, why a fox?

Starlestiale: I don't know... I guess I was feeling foxy that day? Huh? Huh?

Sasuke: No

Starlestiale: Well, I kind of imagined Haku as a fox mask wearing Shinobi. Also, Mayuki, not Mayumi, is free spirited like a fox.

Deep Voice: This segment was brought to you by Ruki Kimyona... Freeing the Spirits since birth.

Sasuke: Hn. *looks at papers* So you made her my cousin?

Starlestiale: Yup, you two looked a like in a way in my mental conception of you two and...

Sasuke: Oh look, time for commercial.

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