Chapter 10- Alyssis Can't Be This Cute!

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Wow, 2 chapters in 2 days! I'm on a roll. Oh and thanks for the wonderful comments and votes. It means a lot.

On to the story!



It was a nice quiet day. I was sitting in some grass... that was blue. Yeah blue. The wind was softly kissing my pale cheeks as it passed by every so often. I looked up at the Purple sky that had puffy green clouds sailing through it. I inhaled deeply, and the sweet smell of marmalade ticked my nose. I smiled.

"Mayuki-chan!" came a voice.

I turned my head to see Haku. He was slowly walking towards me. The breeze blew past him, which made his dark blue male's kimono sway, and his silky black hair dance His black sandals crunched the blue grass as he came towards me, with a pleasant smile on his face. I got up from the grass, and made my way to him. My pure white sundress fluttered, and my navy blue hair swayed. A huge grim made its way onto my face as I was fully embraced by the boy.

"Hello Haku-kun," I said when he let go.

He then held out his left hand, and immediately, a crystal rose materialized, and he handed it to me.

I was about to take it, when suddenly, he grabbed my chin. I gazed into his big, chocolate brown, beautiful orbs, with my dark blue ones.

"I would never in a million years dreamed of having you for my own," he said. My face heated up as his minty breath brushed across my face. "I'm going to show you how much you mean to me." He then leaned forward, and I closed my eyes. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind came, and it started to snow. In a swift moment, the landscape had changed to a snow covered wasteland.

"I'm sorry," said Haku as he turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Mayuki-chan, she's coming. I must leave."

"HAKU!" I cried. "Don't leave!" I went to grab his hand. I wasn't going to have my only friend leave me. "You're my friend."

"Sorry," he said, then vanished.

I dropped to my knees into the snow.


I looked up to see the white fox from before. It looked me in my eyes, and suddenly it's eyes switched to the color of light green. I then felt my eyes burning, then everything went black.

I groaned as I felt myself laying on something hard. I opened my eyes, and gasped. I was laying on a wooden surface. I got up to fully survey the area, but as soon as I did, I wish that I hadn't. Blood was everywhere, there was an army full of ninjas at one end of the place, and the leader was standing over a body. He went to kick the body, when all of the sudden, my body moved on its own. I found my body throwing itself onto the person, blocking the kick. I grunted, and closed my eyes. He then continued to kick me, but I won't let him hit the person under me. I wonder who it was, and opened my eyes, only to meet the lifeless face of Haku.

"NO!" I screamed. "NOOOOOO!"

"Ah, little girl, who's going to die a watery death now?" asked the leader, then with one last and powerful kick, he threw me and Haku over the edge of the bridge.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. We hit the water with a huge splash, and everything went dark.

"Mayuki," came a voice. "Mayuki get up!" it said again, the suddenly I was surrounded by a bright light and I shot up. I panted.

"It was only a dream," said the voice.

I turned my head to see a worried Haku.

"Haku!" I shouted as I hugged him.

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