Chapter 15: Release of the Ice

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"Sensei," came a voice.

"Yes, Ryoku," I responded.

"Why are we going to the archives?"

I turned to face the youngest member of my squad. He had short green hair that was cut into a bob. He had amber eyes, and olive colored skin. He was known around the hidden cloud village as the ultimate heart breaker.

"I have to recover some facts for a friend of mine, and also to train you guys," I explained with a closed eyed smile.

"What facts?" asked Hikari. I gazed upon my only female student. She was shorter than the boys, with snow-white hair back length, light blue eyes and pale skin. To me she resembled a ghost.

"Just some facts to help you in your special training," I answered her.

"Special training?" asked Hikaru, Hikari's brother. My eyes shifted to him. He was taller than both of them with snow-white hair that was short and choppy, light blue eyes and pale skin.

"Yes, The chunnin exams are coming up, and I need to train you guys," I said with a small smile.

"Really!" cheered Hikaru. He was the most enthusiastic of the group, and the troublemaker.

Suddenly my eyes stung and my chest pulse. We were getting closer to the archives, but I waved it off. I can's let my students suspect anything.

"Yes, Hikaru. I think you guys are beyond ready for the exams that are to be held in the Hidden Leaf Village," I said as we hopped along the branches of the huge trees.

"So what kind of..." Ryoku was cut off by a huge blast that came out of nowhere.

"Are you okay?" I asked my students. They were standing on individual branches on guard.

"Hai sensei," they said simultaneously.

"Be on you..."

"Well, well, well, look what we have here," said a gruff voice.

My eyes widened. I knew that voice. No it couldn't be.

Suddenly, HE stepped onto the branch.

"Bakudan," I seethed. "I thought you were dead.

"Well, Hime-sama, you thought wrong."

I stared Bakudan down. He was a thick man with a baldhead, bulging muscles, black beady eyes and bushy eyebrows. He also had a huge scar down his right cheek. He was shirtless and was wearing a pair of black, baggy ninja pants and ninja sandals. He also had his twin swords strapped onto his back.

"So, Hime-sama, where have you been hiding?" he asked, while reaching for his swords.

"Hiding from your ugly face," I retorted.

"Sensei, we can take him down," said Ryoku as he geared to fight. He was always a feisty one, always ready to show off his Taguya prodigy skills. He was about to jump down, when all of the sudden, I felt this strong chakra come out of nowhere.

My hands moved quickly as they made the hand signs, dog, horse, and rat.

"Ice style, Ice bubble shield jutsu," I screamed as an ice bubble wrapped around my student. The unknown object collided with the bubble and wit was knocked into a tree, which fell and kicked up dirt everywhere. I exhaled in relief as I caught him just in time, when the dust settled and I saw that Ryoku was okay.

"Ryoku, you don't just go charging into battle like that!" I chastised, then released him. "How many time I have to tell you that?"

"KUKUKU," came a weird sound.

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