Chapter 7- Anne Knows Best

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Heyy guys, This is dedicated to both x_TheNightCat_x and JadeOpalAmber for the wonderful comments, and giving me motivation to update while I am sick.


ANNE that night.

After a little while of waiting, and getting scolded by Thomas, Sebastian came back.

"Come this way, so I shall see you to your rooms," said Sebastian as he motioned us to follow him.

We walked for about a few minutes down the long halls of the Phantomhive manor.

'And I thought that the Lake Estates was huge.'

A few minutes later we came to a grand door with nice squiggly carvings on it.

"I hope you two don't mind sharing a room," said Sebastian. "You ARE siblings right?"

I narrowed my blue eyes at him in suspicion.

"Of course we are, demon," I said with my arms crossed. "What the juice!" I exclaimed as I felt a tug on my hair. I turned to a Thomas who was looking around, trying to act all innocent.

"I will be going now," said Thomas as I sent a bone chilling glare his way. He quickly disappeared into the bed room.

"I should get going too," I said as I TRIED to leave the demon's presence. "What the juice!" I exclaimed again as my wrist was caught. "Let me go this moment!" I demanded, but to my dismay, my other hand was caught, and both of my arms were raised over my head.

"I don't know what you are," said Sebastian while his eyes glowed dangerously, "But you are no demon." He then gave me a quick sniff. "And you certainly do not smell like you are from here."

'Does this ingrate think I am afraid of him?'

I glared at him straight in the eyes.

"Alas, my dearest demon, I am in fact what you are. If you can't sniff out your own kind," I challenged. "Maybe if you would stop squandering your time and kissing Ciel's butt for his soul, then might you be a proper demon."

Sebastian then growled at me. "Listen to me child..."

I cut him off. "Child? Am I really a child? And if so, I am certainly a better demon than you. At least I don't have to kiss butt for my souls. I take what I want and I eat as I please. The only humans that I care about is my sister and my brother. So many special things were already ripped away from me and I sure as hell am going to rip away all the souls I pleased. DO NOT REFER TO ME AS A CHILD. I am my own demon."

Sebastian smirked. "So you are a self proclaimed demon. You are still no match for me."

I smirked back at him. "My dearest butler, I am a born demon. And I am certainly a hell of one."

Sebastian then leaned over to ear level. His breath tickled my face as he whispered, "I will help you YOUNG ONE, but I will find out what you are." He then dropped my arms and began to walk away.

I smirked at his departing figure. "Woof."

He looked back and glared, and in a matter of seconds, he was gone.

I then open the door to me and Thomas' room only for my face to be met with a pillow.

"Anne, I swear if you cause us to be killed, I will follow your soul and torment you for the rest of eternity," said a furious Thomas.

I slowly walked up to him, and pulled him down to my level by the scruff of his collar.

"Anne knows best," I said to him, then pushed him out of my face.


ALYSSIS/MAYUKI the next morning

It's been an hour since Haku came into my room. In that hour I had showered and gotten dressed.

I was still trying to figure out what that dream meant, and why was I a Kitsune. I still hadn't wrapped my mind around the fact that I can control ice and crystals. Maybe this isn't just like a fanfic. I don't have an author controlling my every move. I did not end up at Konoha's gates at the mercy of a sexy white haired pervert. I can't get the emo Uchiha to fall in love with me and end up following him out of the village. I can't train over night to pass the exam to become genin. The Akatsuki wouldn't even find me worth killing, judge training. Flip, I can't even summon chakra with sense. I'm here only because of a horribly told lie and if I even survive until shipudden I am SCREWED.

I flopped backwards on the bed.


Haku is probably calling me for training.

I got up and trudged downstairs, only to be met with the demon brothers.

"Good morning," I said.

"We are just finishing up here," said Haku.

I nodded my head and went to stand by him. Haku was about a head and a half taller than me. I felt so short.

"So you're going after an old bridge builder. He has little money, so he might be hiring mediocre body guards. Killing him would be easy," said Zabuza.

For some reason, my mouth moved on its own. "I hope that you have a contingency plan."

All eyes are on me now.

'Just great?'

"What are you saying, child?" asked Zabuza.

'Do I tell him the whole fight?... NAHHH.'

"Just saying, you should have a back up plan," I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"Whay did you see child?" asked Zabuza.

"Basically one of them getting kicked in the face by what looks like a genin," I said. That's all I'm giving them. Who knows what will happen if I mess with the plot.

"Are you sure that's everything?" asked Haku in a gentle tone.

"Positive," I said with confidence in my voice.


My heart began to race as I heard a voice in my head.

'Who said that?'

Nothing answered.

'With all this crap happening to me, I won't be surprised that I end up being a nut case.'


??? POV.

I had my stage two leatogan activated as I watched over Mayuki. I could have heard he thoughts as she compared her situation with something called a fanfic. My curiosity piqued when she mentioned the Akatsuki. I must keep a closer eye on her. She might know some secrets.

I stayed watching over her until she was questioned about her honesty by the boy in a hunter mask. That's when I slipped up and forgot that if I were to make a direct statement to her while in her mind, she would hear me.


"Who said that?" she mentally asked.

Oh crap. I quickly deactivated my leatogan, and just in time too.

"Hey sensei, how about we train for the chunnin exams?" asked one of my students.

I gave her a closed eye smiled and said, "Let's go."


Heyy guys, I know this is short, but Tea and I are both not feeling well, and to top it off, she has a lot of work to do. So this is unedited until she gets better, and probably, she will add to it. However, I don't guarantee anything.

Until next chapter, Star.

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